On 2 May 2006, at 2:30 PM, Paul Weaver wrote:

From: "WAMUG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 05:05:17 +0800
To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: wamug Digest #1005

I just can't cope with the lack of space.
I have deleted thousands of photos and a third of my iTunes library as well as all my movies. (keeping full copies of iphoto and itunes on the family
I still only have 5GB of free space.

Please can anyone advise: is it possible to install a larger HD?
If so, rough costs?

I had this sort of problem once, then I realised I hadn't emptied the trash.
Just a thought.

Cheers, Paul.

Pursuing that line of thought ,
when using OS9.1 , with the Internal HD &  some external hard drives ,
sometimes you need to " rebuild the desktop " to RECOVER the free space
back into the index .

MAC OSX is supposed to not require that ,
 but where dual boot is used
I have seen some funny results that were cleared up by
" Rebuilding the Desktop " while running OS 9xxx.

However ,
Looking at Rod's first mail , it seems that he has heaps of stuff he wants to keep on the laptop , far more than the normal Hard Drive size , thus generating his call for
a bigger drive


Dr Paul Weaver
Fremantle, Home of the Dockers
Western Australia.


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