It's possible that you have inadvertently made an alias to the finder. The
finder (little happy face) is an actual program that lives in
system/library/core services. You can't move it or copy it without changing
the permissions but you can make as alias of it. Has the happy face got a
little arrow in the bottom left corner? Does it have a name? If you can
select it you can get info on it with apple key +i. That will tell you more
about it.

On 20/8/06 3:08 PM, "Aurora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> The apple "happy face" has suddenly appeared as an icon on the lower left
> hand side of my OSX desktop. It is sitting "over" the desktop image and is
> not an active icon - there is just the image.
> Can anyone please explain why it has appeared and how I get rid of it
> Smiles
> Aurora
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