Hi Rosemary,

Just been through this. Suggest you contact Westnet support and get their assistance (if you need it) to make sure your ADSL modem is setup to use G.DMT protocol. Its a known issue, and fixed the same issue I was having.


On 08/01/2007, at 10:43 PM, Rosemary Horton wrote:

Westnet and speeds

I'm paying for an upgrade in speed with Westnet..I'm on:

Premium 8MB/384k

I was not best pleased with losing static address and free waix etc but thought it would be worth it to get increased speed,but I'm not so sure.

What do you reckon? Upload looks OK, but download looks a bit slow...but maybe I'm wrong and I don't understand it all.

These are the results from a number of speedtest sites.

Your line speed is [*2.15 Mbps*] (2148 kbps).
Your download speed is [*269 KB/s*] (0.26 MB/s). )]

Your line speed is [*2.66 Mbps*] (2663 kbps).
Your download speed is [*333 KB/s*] (0.33 MB/s). )]

Download Speed: 1924 kbps (240.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 291 kbps (36.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency 314

Download Speed: 1662 kbps Upload Speed: 263

 Download       3483 kb/s       Upload  311 kb/s        Latency 128 ms  

 Rosemary Horton

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