Hi All

During the past two weeks I have been experiencing problems with Google searching in Safari. It is happening more and more frequently.

When entering a search and clicking on a link, I go through various addresses and end up on some weird sites that have nothing to do with what I searching for. The first address usually begins with http://www.google.com/au/search? with a search string that I entered. Then it goes to an address beginning http://copy-book.com/ (and again with the serach string). Then it gets redirected, jumped through various addresses that begin with ISP likes (somewhere in Houston Texas) and (somewhere in Las Vegas Nevada)
and finally I end up on those strange websites.

If I go back (using the previous page arrows) and select again - and maybe repeat this a few times, things seem to return to normal and I can reach my required destination.

Also when the initial Google result are displayed on the first page, none of them have the cache link
and if you try and select other pages the same first page is displayed.

And is the following a similar problem - or is it just targeted marketing? A couple of weeks ago I started seeing Vimax ads repeatedly on pages I frequently visited. Now some of these sites are very respectable websites and I do not think they would be advertising this stuff.

Joe Baker

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