Hi Joe,

If you do have the DNSChanger Trojan, and I think you do, go to the address below and
Download DNSChanger Removal Tool for Mac OS X


“The DNSChanger Trojan Horse, also known as OSX.RSPlug.A & OSX/Puper, has been found on numerous pornographic websites disguising itself as a video codec. Once downloaded and installed, DNSChanger changes the DNS settings on the computer, redirecting websites entered by the user to malicious sites. If personal information is entered on these malicious websites, it can lead to identity theft.”


On 22/11/2008, at 11:57 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Joe,

Is one of the dimmed addresses
If so this is a Google search hijack from

You could have the infamous DNSChanger Trojan Horse Malware on your computer.


On 22/11/2008, at 11:33 AM, Joe Baker wrote:

Hi Robert, Steve and Ronda

Thanks for your suggestions.

I tried Rhonda's suggestion as it appeared to be the simplest.

I checked the DNS servers in System Preferences. There were only two dimmed ones with a starting address of 85.255. (located at Stockholm in Sweden - do not know how these got onto my system) and both were dimmed. So I added the two People Telecom ones she gave and now things seem to be back to normal.

Thanks again
Joe Baker

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