On 3 Apr 2009, at 11:05 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hello Ian,

You have not replied to the below message I sent on 30th. March.
Would you please reply so we know your problem is sorted (or not).


Hi Ronni

The answers to your specific questions and a summary of recent activity are below.

On 30/03/2009, at 7:02 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 29/03/2009, at 9:54 PM, Ian Reid wrote:

"3. Did you try Quit Mail, navigate to ~/Library/Mail and drag the
file Envelope Index to the Trash. When you launch Mail again, it'll
tell you that you need to "reimport" all your messages (just as it
when Ian upgraded to Leopard), it will recreate his envelope index
from scratch, but he won't lose any data.?"

I can't remember if this was done.

Please do this as soon as possible. I assumed you had already done
this as I suggested this a few days go.
It doesn't actually "Import" all your messages, it just creates a new
envelope index from scratch.

I want you to do this because your envelope index‹a special database
that Mail uses to keep track of which messages are in which mailboxes‹
and the other files that Mail uses to catalogue messages I think has
become severely damaged.

What I call the subsidiary mailboxes are all back, seemingly OK but Inbox
and Sent are empty. Inbox is still offline.

Q. Do you mean all your Mailboxes (under On My Mac) are back and all your messages are in them?

A. The OMM boxes are OK but not all the messages are in them. See Recent Activity below.

To see your Inbox & Sent Mailboxes:
Make sure your account is still in Mail. Go to Preferences > Accounts & check your Westnet Account details.
(Remove any Account that should NOT be there)
And In preferences - Accounts - Advanced, the box 'enable this account' is ticked on your Westnet Account.

Then Rebuild both Inbox & Sent mailboxes please.

A. Prior to re-establishing accounts with Westnet, both boxes were empty. After rebuild, Inbox was still empty. Rebuild was unavailable for Sent inbox. Trash was the only one of MAILBOXES that had any content and it seemed to be OK.

Done. Incidently, what is the protocol with long threads? Should one send the whole lot back when commenting about only one or two questions as I have
done here.

How you answered was fine Ian.

Recent activity:- At the beginning of April I managed to re-establish both our accounts with Westnet, and all new emails since then have landed correctly in the Mailboxes. Unfortunately I had changed their names slightly, unaware at the time that this would preclude recovery from Time Machine. I changed the names back to the originals but, for Time Machine, that date became the most recent activity on those folders.

Mail Copy, made after the problem was clearly present, was still available. It didn't contain any MAILBOXES except Trash but the OMM data was still available.So I imported the OMM data into the left column of the Mail window, opened the mailboxes and dragged the groups of emails to their existing equivalents. The empty import boxes were trashed.

I was part way through this process when I was called to lunch, leaving 1455 emails spread over 8 to 10 (by memory) imported mailboxes still in the list.

When I came back from lunch, the remaining imported folder icons had lost their blue colour and could no longer be opened. While I was floundering around, trying to think of a way to do this, they suddenly disappeared and were replaced by three new, blue icons which turned out to be sub-folders of Mail Copy.

Back into Mail Copy, I found the individual emails as serial numbers, and then as texts, two and three sub-folder levels further down. To move them into the existing OMM folders meant handling them individually so I decided to leave them where they were for the present. And there the matter stands.

Many thanks to all who have offered help with this problem. I have learned a lot.

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