just my 2c
quit mail
go to
there you should find:
Envelope Index
move this file to the desktop & start mail
it should now ask for a rebuild (Envelope Index gets recreated)

cheers    James

On 27/03/2009, at 14:44, Ian Reid wrote:

Hi Daniel (& Ronni)

I have run the procedure more than once. Each time, at item 6, I get back all the mailboxes except Inbox and Sent. I note that ~Library/Mail/ Mailboxes contains all but these two. I hope that with all the to-ing and fro- ing I've
done I haven't lost them.

Re Ronni's Number 2 suggestion, opening Mail and choosing Mailbox>Rebuild
currently produces no action.

Re Number 3, by now ~Library/Mail includes Envelope Indexes 1, 2 and 3. If I
chuck them all out, is reimporting a simple matter for me?

Re Number 4, "No", but it wasn't discussed.

Re inherited problems, you must have good records, Ronni. For me , Panther
days is another life.

Thanks everybody for their efforts so far.


On 26/3/09 10:54 PM, "Daniel Kerr" <wa...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:

Hi Peter

Did you try my suggestion I posted the other day, as I've had the same thing happen, and the fix I posted has always worked for me, ...the same as what
you've listed happening.

This was the fix I used for this. See how it goes.

1. Go to Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/Library. Move the "Mail" folder to your
2. Launch Mail.
3. Mail will ask if you want to import your message. Don't Click continue
4. Go back to Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/Library. You will see a new "Mail"
folder there. Rename that Mail2.
5. Drag your old "Mail" folder from the Desktop back to this original
location ( Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/Library)
6. Go to back to Mail and now Click Continue. Everything should be there
like normal.
You should now be able to open and use Mail like you used to. You can also then go back and move Mail2 (the one we didn't use from above) to the trash.
---end quote---

Posted that to the list Thu, 26 Mar 2009 00:30:19 +0900.
Worth a try. :o)

Kind Regards

On 26/3/09 10:42 PM, "Peter Hinchliffe" <hinch...@multiline.com.au> wrote:

On 25/03/2009, at 11:05 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

Hi Ian

Can you go to your desktop , find the copy of Mail you would have
put there
when I asked you previously

highlight it and then do an Apple plus I
this should give you an information window which will show
what size the folder is .

Hopefully , plenty of Megabytes  --  then tell us what size it is ,

I can now contribute usefully to this discussion - well perhaps not
usefully, but I can at least explain exactly what Ian is going through.

I visited Ian's place today at his request and saw for myself just
what is happening. It is truly bizarre:

1. Mail does launch, but Message Viewer does not automatically open.

2. Message View can be called up from the Window Menu, but no messages
are displayed. There is a full contingent of custom mailboxes listed
in the sidebar, complete with unread message counts. When the
mailboxes are selected, no messages are seen. A look inside ~/ Library/
Mail/ shows that all the mailboxes are intact and all the mbox files
and messages are there.

3. Mail does not respond to the Quit command. Force Quit is the only
way out, and of course the new account details that Ian painstakingly
enters each time are lost because the preferences are not updated.

4. I deleted com.apple.mail.plist. This simple act alone should be
enough to cause Mail to call for a new account to be set up. Not at
all in this case. Mail simply launches the same way: no Message
Viewer, no messages, and an old iPrimus account listed in the Accounts

5. Deleting com.apple.mail.plist, all Mail cache files and any other
Mail-related file I can find makes no difference. Mail continues to
behave in exactly the same way. Of course, a new version of
com.apple.mail.plist is automatically created, but is clearly being
ignored by Mail, which continues to show the settings for this old
iPrimus account. It must be reading this stuff from somewhere, but
just where it a total mystery.

6. Perhaps something has gone wrong with Mail itself (maybe something weird has crept into the Mail package), so lets try reverting to last
week's copy, which was the one running before this stuff started
happening. We went back to last Thursday and restored Mail.app via
Time Machine. No difference.

Short of performing a complete System Restore, I can't see how to
resolve this. A Clean Install with Archive is likely to be
unsuccessful, since it is apparent that the problem is local to Ian's
user account. I have searched for hidden files containing the word
"mail" in the filename. I admit I'm out of ideas. Perhaps some of what
I have outlined above might ring a bell with someone on the list. At
the moment I have Ian running his old Entourage X software, so at
least he can handle email in a comfortable way again, but it's not
really addressing the central problem. For the moment I think it's
worth waiting for 10.5.7 in the hope that an updated Mail program
might resolve things. If not, It will be time for that backup and full
system restore, I'm thinking.

Very strange indeed.

All contributions gratefully accepted.


Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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Daniel Kerr

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