Well said Ronnie.
Les Standish
On 24/04/2009, at 2:31 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Oh Michael,

Why is it, that I am not believing what you are saying here?
You are part of MacResolve, you registered the domain macresolve.com.au, you are the Mike of the "Super Duo" Tony & Mike (are you not)?

But, you say you are unaware of a huge bulk email that has been sent from your Tony & Mike macresolveaustra...@me.com email address. You also say you were unaware that this bulk email constitutes "Unsolicited Commercial eMail". Also that you did not realise the bulk emailing of this "unsolicited email" would be considered spam/junk email??

Come on Michael, you have been involved in Business long enough to know that what your MacResolve has done, is Unethical, a Violation of Proper Business Practices, and morally wrong.

You have achieved some publicity, but I don't feel that the saying "Any Publicity is Good Publicity" will apply in your case.
This is not the way to launch a new business.

The Mac Community does not appreciate Spam or Spammers, and which ever way you look at this it is SPAM!


On 24/04/2009, at 12:05 PM, Michael Waldie wrote:

Hello all,

First of all, yes I am a part of MacResolve and as was pointed out, I registered the domain for macresolve.com.au. I did not have a part in sending the email or any of the addresses. I have been trying to get the name around by word of mouth in person. Unfortunately, the last few days I have been busy with family commitments. This is also why I have only just replied now, once I had caught up with emails and seen the fuss that has been created here.

I have been told that there is not an email list but it was a collection of emails, apparently some old and some new. I have also been told that people who did not want to be contacted again, will not be. The email was not intended to be spam/junk email.

While I can not change what has happened, I can understand the complaints.

It is correct that I am not a financial member of WAMUG but I have been on and off the list for quite some years. I tried to offer assistance where I could, most of the time there were a lot of people who gave the advice before I could. Certainly a good thing that there is many people here to help each other.

If you would like me gone from the list here, I can understand.

Michael Waldie

On 23/04/2009, at 9:24 PM, Matthew Healey wrote:

On 23/04/2009, at 8:22 PM, James Devenish wrote:

Since Michael Waldie is subscribed to this list, might he confirm or deny his involvement?

Well he only joined using his current email address on the 21st of April...

Mike.. want to let us all know what's going on?

- Matt

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