
I regularly listen the rugby by loading a little file called 'radio- sport-wellington.asx' into QuickTime (double-clicking loads it).

Examining the contents of the file it has..

(I don't know how this will show on wamug)

<ASX version = "3.0">
                <Title>Radio Sport Wellington </Title>
                <Ref href="mms://ac1.streaming.net.nz/trn-radiosport-wlg" />

Is this a typical example of a Internet radio station URL?

I've tried loading it into iTunes but it won't work, I tried the ms:// ac1.streaming.net.nz/trn-radiosport-wlg from the file
which wouldn't work either.

It's in the back of my mind that I may need to set up some method of recording from 'radio-sport-wellington.asx' and getting it to load at a certain time of the day if I need to go out when the game is on but am not sure how to do that.


On 20/05/2009, at 12:36 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Thanks for that Daniel.
As you know I never take any notice of Reviews ;-)

I'll get in touch with you ... perhaps I need one of these?

CD Spin Doctor does record from iTunes very nicely as Severin said.
But, perhaps I could do with a RadioSHARK also ....


On 20/05/2009, at 12:23 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

Hi Ronni (and all)

I have a radioSHARK that I use here. I've also set them up for clients as
well. I find that it works really well and I'm quite happy with the
reception. I have it sitting behind my 23" LCD monitor and when working and
what something "different" to listen to I have it running.
I've also got a few people that use them to record things off Radio National (I think) and find it quite good for those as well. A couple of times I've left it running and gone out and then come back and scrolled back to listen
to something I missed,..so quite good for that too.
So overall, I'm pretty happy with it. I find the reception works well (in
Huntingdale) and the quality is pretty good.
Griffin products are generally very good I find.

Oh, and yes you are correct with the eBay, it's the older version 1 that doesn't do Internet Radio which version2 does. You can't get the older Version1 anymore from what I've seen on my wholesalers website, just the v2,
so they may be selling off older ones.

And I can't say I've had the problems he's had with it in the review. There are a couple of "quirky" things with it, like the changing stations, so I
agree with that, but overall I haven't had a problem with reception,
crashing, or poor performance, and from what my customers tell me, neither have they. They all seem quite happy with it. (Mine runs on a MacPro 3Ghz,
and my clients mostly have fairly new iMac's)

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards

On 20/5/09 12:12 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@wn.com.au> wrote:


The eBay looks like it the older version 1 (White) the new version 2
is (Black).
I believe the difference is that V2 does Internet Radio and V1 doesn't
- they use different software too.

I don't know if you can believe this review ... it's not every glowing!

Are any WAMUGers using RadioSHARK & perhaps could let us know what the
reception quality is?


On 20/05/2009, at 11:18 AM, Robert Miller-Eves wrote:

Jon -Checkout this site

0QQitemZ180357655400QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Computers_Apple_Parts_Accessories ?h ash = item180357655400 &_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A1%7C39%3A1%
On 20/05/2009, at 11:10 AM, Jon Davison wrote:

Thanks Robert. Saw the site but no prices, looks like it's been
discontinued. Anyway will keep checking it out.
Thanks again

On 20/05/2009, at 10:45 AM, Robert Miller-Eves wrote:

Griffin Radio Shark -Brilliant
On 20/05/2009, at 10:43 AM, Jon Davison wrote:

Hi everyone. Is it possible, or is there an app that enables me
to record a Radio interview on my MacPro? does  iTunes have a
facility for this?
I have never come across this before and was just wondering.


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