What size Apple monitor? I had a blank screen problem recently with a 20" Apple monitor, and apparently it was caused by the monitor's power source. Technicians at Macworx described this monitor as being more 'touchy' than other brands. It turned out there was nothing wrong with my monitor and the power source just needed to be placed 'just so'. So, if yours is a 20 incher, try positioning the power source so it is very stable. Observe while you are handling it if the monitor comes on when the power source is in certain positions.


On 25/05/2009, at 8:16 AM, thefrogs wrote:

G5 tower 1.6 mghz
Completely blank screen (Apple LCD) came with the tower when new.
tom samson

On 25/05/2009, at 7:55 AM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 25/05/2009, at 7:03 AM, thefrogs wrote:

We have a G5 that now has a blank screen 10.4.(latest cannot see) there is obviously something wrong tried reset PRam, disconnected reconnected, checked drives in Target mode. fear either dead screen - but it was so sudden no warning or dead graphics card.
I would appreciate any ideas.
tom samson

Which model G5


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