Hi Justin,

I'm intrigued ... why are you using an external keyboard on your PowerBook? I can 'sort of' understand why some people prefer to use an external mouse instead of the trackpad, but an external keyboard on a laptop?

Were you using the Dell keyboard in Leopard?

I think USB drivers aren't loaded until the OS starts up. Are you allowing enough time for the operating system to fully boot up. I wonder if it's not getting power quick enough to the USB port for both keyboard and mouse?


On 26/05/2009, at 2:14 PM, Justin Davies wrote:

Hi wamuggers, got a small but frustrating problem - each time I shut down my powerbook or disconnect the external keyboard, I have to connect the keyboard 3 times before it recognises it and allows me to type. The mac mouse which is connected to the keyboard works no problem however.

I have a powerbook g4, latest os and it is a mac keyboard. Interestingly I never had this problem with a dell keyboard I used to plug in into the powerbook. Any suggestions gratefully appreciated...

Best regards

Justin Davies
0414 567 638
9309 9309

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