Oh Stephen,

What Camcorder to buy? This is a tough question to answer (one I'm continually contemplating myself). So many variables, what do you want to do with your camcorder, what do you want to get out of a camcorder, ease of use, ease of getting the video onto a computer, into iMovie / Final Cut Express/Pro or straight DVD ... or?

Martin Hill WAMUG Member (Curtin Uni) is the person I would recommend his advice. Martin has covered this subject 'numerous' times and is very knowledgeable about Video & Recording devices.

This article is a bit old, but does explain the four types of camcorder recording media: hard disk, flash memory, MiniDV/HDV tapes, or mini-DVD. <http://www.cnet.com.au/camcorder-formats-which-one-is-best-240061716.htm >

Back in 2006 I purchased a JVC HDD GZ-MG37AA Camcorder. It has a 30GB HD. It is good for getting the video files straight off the camera onto my computer. Very fast transfer. This is the only reason I purchased it and started using iMovie '08 & then '09 as these HDD Camcorders are supported in iMovie '08/'09.
You can import directly by USB into iMovie '08/'09

To use the HD Video in iMovie 6 HD I have to convert the .MOD (MPEG-2) files to DV Stream The Capty MPEG Edit EX for Everio (that came with the camcorder) converts the MOD files very quickly into DV Stream.

For years I used a Sony DCR-TRV320E camcorder. A great Camcorder, the video quality on it was superb quality.
Using it with iMovie HD resulted in high quality DVD's.
The Sony DCR-TRV320E camcorder is quite large, and heavy to use for long periods, hence the purchase of the little JVC Everio, it's small & light.

If I could shrink my Sony DCR-TRV320E camcorder to the size and weight of my JVC HHD Camcorder, I would be very happy.

So, as I am still trying to decide whether to purchase a new "what sort" camcorder, I'm not the one to give advise ;-)


On 28/09/2009, at 9:04 AM, Stephen Chape wrote:

Thank you Ronda,
I will download direct from camcorder to iMovie 06.

Just as a matter of interest:-
If you were buying a new camcorder, would you stay with DV tape or go for a Hard Drive or Memory Card ? The Memory card type appeals to me for convenience and ease of storage, but after your comments and others on forums I am not so sure now !!

On 28/09/2009, at 8:41 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Stephen,

On 27/09/2009, at 7:45 PM, Stephen Chape wrote:

Hi Ronda,
I have just downloaded 2 projects from my camcorder (DV tape type) to iMovie 09 thinking that I would try to get used to it. However after what you have just said, I think I will continue to use iMovie 06. Can I import into iMovie 06 from iMovie 09 or will I have to download again ?

Yes, you can import into iMovie HD from iMovie '09 ... but, I would not recommend it. Open iMovie HD go to File > Import > iMovie Events and import each event into iMovie HD ... but I wouldn't do this!
Because, the footage in iMovie '09 events is in .mov format (so it has been converted from your DV tape camcorder to MOV), when imported into iMovie HD the footage is converted 'again' to DV format.

Try it and see for yourself. Above is only my impressions of working with Video footage in iMovie '09 & iMovie HD

The more times video is converted it looses quality. The cleaner you can get your footage before editing is best.

I recently tried editing a project for a friend from a his hard drive camcorder. The clips where given to me on a thumb drive and were in MOV format. I managed to convert them eventually to DV format and then into iMovie 9. The end result on the DVD is absolutely dreadful. I was very disappointed considering the time I had spent on the project.

Your friend's footage from the HD Camcorder had been converted to MOV & then you converted to DV.
The more times video is converted it looses quality.
How did he convert the original footage?
If you could get the original footage from his HD camcorder, then do the conversion to DV would be best.

Again, all the above are my suggestions from my own experiences with versions of iMovie. Others might not agree with me.


On 27/09/2009, at 5:15 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Adrian,

Be aware that iMovie '09 uses 'single field processing' (Interlaced) meaning every other horizontal line of the video is thrown out, which reduces the sharpness of the footage. iMovie 06 (iMovie HD) uses ALL of the image (Progressive) to form the video.

If your primary workflow is editing DV clips and making DVDs, iMovie 06 (iMovie HD) is better suited. Your movie will arrive at iDVD in DV format, which is an ideal match for making a DVD: same resolution, same pixels aspect ratio, and original quality.

If you share your movie from iMovie '08 / '09, it gets re- rendered at 640x480 or less, and then iDVD upscales it back to 720x480.
The end result is obviously not as good.

iMovie 06 (iMovie HD) and iDVD 09 is a "lossless" combination.

iMovie 09 is a wonderful program assuming that you're using it for what it was designed to do, assemble simple videos to share on the Internet.

If you want the best quality DVD of your VHS to DVD use iMovie HD with iDVD '09.


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard

On 26/09/2009, at 6:44 PM, Adrian Skehan wrote:

What the!!!! well I'm really confused now, I exported the offending clip from iMovie HD again as a Movie and imported it into iMovie 8 and the original import from iMovie HD all of a sudden rectified its self. If anyone can explain that I'm sure I wont understand!!!!



On 26/09/2009, at 4:14 PM, Adrian Skehan wrote:

Afternoon all,

I have been converting VCR tapes to DVD via iMovie & iDVD and weird things are happening;

1. Trying to import to iMovie 8.0.4; it recognises the ADVC-100 (which I have been using for some years) starts to import but after about 30 seconds says it has completed the import but records nothing.

2. Successfully import into iMovie HD without any problems and the complete movie works OK (75 min).

3 Import the iMovie HD into iMovie 8.0.1, Optimised 960 x 540, the first 65 min are OK but the last 10 were squashed to a ratio of about 1high to 4 wide. Went through all Preferences etc and corrected Permissions.

4. Trashed it, separated the offending bit in iMovie HD and imported the offending clip on its own. This time it has a ratio of about 4 high to 1 wide????

5.      Ditched the .plists but nothing changed.

OS Snow Leopard 10.6.1, iMovie 8.0.4, MacBook Pro.

Has anyone any idea what the problem could be?




17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard

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