On 29/10/2009, at 3:58 PM, Michael Hawkins wrote:

I have a Canon digital video camcorder model MV920 (mini DV tape).

It doesn't show up on my computer when I connect it via Firewire. Neither Apple nor Canon appear to have any drivers for the camera, yet the manual
deals with connection to a Mac.

I suspect it's a casualty of Snow Leopard, but does anyone have any solution

Thank you,

Michael Hawkins
17" MacBook Pro
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
OS 10.6.1

Hi Michael,

What version of iMovie are you using?
Did the MV920 camcorder work in Leopard?

Have you tried Opening iMovie before connecting camcorder to your MBP?
See if iMovie will recognise the camcorder then.

iMovie supports just about any MiniDV tape camcorder.


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard

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