If the link to the picture of the faulty screen didn't work, try this one..




On 13/12/2009, at 12:26 PM, Brian Scott wrote:


I was was about to setup EYeTV to record a show yesterday when my screen started getting a mess/mesh of dots and lines. Not just on the PowerBook 15" but on my TV (CRT)
that it is connected to also.

The external HDD started unexpectedly removing itself invoking Device Removal warnings.

This happened not long after upgrading some system software and repairing permissions.

It's has OS 10.4.11

When I started it this morning it was clear until I moved the PB screen to view it better.
But moving it again doesn't make it clear.
And it wasn't movement that made it go off the first time or other times.

I've tried re-setting PRAM, removing everything connected to it and replacing the ram module but it made no difference.

From the Preferences the screen details are Model: 00009C20 and Manufacture Date: B87B9680

See a picture of the faulty screen here..

>|http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt99/walfau/Computer/Faulty-PB-screen.png |<

Has my PowerBook become useless or can it be easily fixed?

Thank you for looking.


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