
I find Firefox slightly more useful that Safari for my own particular purposes, but I know many others who have a reverse preference.

In my 25 years of Mac use I have never installed anything specific to protect myself from nasties, and never had problems with nasties. Most nasties are Microsoft nasties, not Computer nasties as the media portray them, so I try to use as few Microsoft products as possible. The only annoyances I have is from spam email. Causes include having my address on my website, loading images in spurious emails, and once replying to a spurious email (biggest mistake).

Had a neighbour's Windows PC, riddled with Microsoft viruses etc to fix last weekend. After 4 hours decided that the only solution was to re-install Widows. At that point we wished that Microsoft would steal another Mac feature; the need to NOT reinstall all the applications after a system re-install. May the Mac stay free from true computer nasties as long as possible.

On 24/02/2010, at 11:10 AM, Crisp, Peter wrote:

Just a general question re Firefox for Macs. I am a newcomer to the world of Apple and currently use Safari as the default web browser. I am familiar with Firefox having used it on my Windows machine for some time. Are there any benefits in using Firefox or does this expose protection weakness?

Generally Safari does everything I need of it but always on the look out for better ways of doing things.



Kind Regards,

Peter Crisp, Associate, BE Mech
(Phone + 61 8 9428 5437
2Fax + 61 8 9428 5555
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Ray Forma
50 Harvest Road, North Fremantle WA 6159, Australia
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