Each to his own.

Safari is quicker in the current form.

I switched to Firefox when it was quicker and have a few favourite plugins that 
weren't available in Safari at the time and have stuck with it.


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On 24/02/2010, at 11:10 AM, Crisp, Peter wrote:

> Just a general question re Firefox for Macs. I am a newcomer to the world of 
> Apple and currently use Safari as the default web browser. I am familiar with 
> Firefox having used it on my Windows machine for some time. Are there any 
> benefits in using Firefox or does this expose protection weakness?
> Generally Safari does everything I need of it but always on the look out for 
> better ways of doing things.
> Thanks 
> Peter...
> Kind Regards,
> Peter Crisp, Associate, BE Mech
> (Phone + 61 8 9428 5437
> 2Fax + 61 8 9428 5555
> ĂˆMob 0402 001 019
> ?E-mail pcr...@hatch.com.au
> Website <http://www.hatch.com.au/>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au [mailto:wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au] On Behalf Of 
> Neil Houghton
> Sent: Wednesday, 24 February 2010 10:49 AM
> Subject: Re: Blocking Flash
> Yes, I use Firefox but agree that these plug-ins are great for removing
> unwanted ads and flash - speeding up browsing significantly.
> There are several plug-ins for Firefox, but the relevant ones which I am
> currently running are:
> - Flashblock - as for clicktoflash on Safari it blocks all Flash assets on a
> web page until you explicitly click on them.
> - Adblock Plus - this strips out all the other (non-flash) ads based on
> whatever filter set you add (I use Rick752's EasyList - which seems to work
> well for me)
> Cheers
> Neil
> -- 
> Neil R. Houghton
> Albany, Western Australia
> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
> Email: n...@possumology.com
> on 24/2/10 5:26 AM, Peter Sealy at carp...@internode.on.net wrote:
>> I agree with Matt. I have been using Clicktoflash for a long while now and it
>> works great. But it does not stop all image based advertising because a lot 
>> of
>> advertisers now place their advertisements within the web page and don't use
>> Flash. I don't know how this is done. I bet there is an army of geeks working
>> on how to defeat Clicktoflash on behalf of the advertising industry or even
>> within Adobe.
>> But for now +1 for Clicktoflash. I think there is at least one other similar
>> app.
>> On 24/02/2010, at 3:36 AM, Dark1 wrote:
>>> Wow.  Thanks for this Matt.  Indeed there is a great amount of flash
>>> advertising.  This link is very useful.
>>> Ruben
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> With all the well-deserved Flash-bagging going around I thought it poignant
>>>> to mention a great little plugin for Safari called Click2Flash.
>>>> <http://rentzsch.github.com/clicktoflash/>
>>>> Essentially, it blocks all Flash assets on a web page until you explicitly
>>>> click on them. From a purely subjective point of view, web browsing is
>>>> significantly faster on flash-ad heavy sites. It just feels smoother.
>>>> It's also quite an eye-opened to see how much Flash content is actually
>>>> embedded into sites these days.
>>>> Try it out.
>>>> - Matt Healey
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