Perfectly normal Lynn,

This really shouldn’t be a shocking thing to anyone with some basic common 
sense. The iPhone and iPod can charge via USB, but they’re tiny devices 
compared to the iPad. The iPad has a mammoth battery that’s 5 times bigger than 
the iPhones, so it’s not surprising that USB charging isn’t ideal. But combine 
that with USB docks that vary with power ratings and low-end computers with 
poor quality USB outputs, and you’ve got a scenario where you can’t charge via 
USB. Scandal!

Fact is, this device should be looked at more like a standalone device, not 
just another accessory to dock to your computer. When you travel, bring the 
charger with you – no differently than you would with any other portable gizmo 
that’s not USB powered. And when you’re home, charge it via the outlet as well. 
Only dock it to the computer when you want to sync, not charge.

Besides, charging via USB is going to be slow at best anyways. Why not juice it 
up quickly?
/End Quote



On 16/12/2010, at 2:19 PM, wrote:

> thanks ronni.
> i dont charge it via that way, but i always notice that devices will show 
> that its charging when plugged into the computer.
> i noticed it when i plug in my ipad to sync or to add stuff. just wondering 
> if that is normal is all.
> many thanks.
> regards
> lynn
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ronda Brown" <>
> To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Thursday, 16 December, 2010 2:07:35 PM GMT +08:00 Beijing / Chongqing / 
> Hong Kong / Urumqi
> Subject: Re: ipad not charging when plugged into computer
> On 16/12/2010, at 2:01 PM, wrote:
> hi
> i have noticed from the 2nd time i plugged my new ipad into the computer 
> (macbook, 10.5.8, itunes 4.1.2) it hasnt been charging.
> it will say on my ipad 'not charging'.
> is this normal and has anyone got the same problem as me?
> Hi Lynn,
> Its really not practical to charge the iPad via USB connected to your Mac. It 
> charges to slowly. 
> The iPad actually will charge from a normal USB port, but not while the 
> screen is on. 
> If you hit the sleep button it will start charging, you just can't tell 
> because the screen is off. 
> As soon as you turn the screen back on, it says 'not charging' next to the 
> battery. Brings to mind the classic refrigerator light dilemma. 
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
> 2.66GHz / 8GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm
> OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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