G'day Blitto

I upgraded my 3G iPhone with no problems. Even tried my hotspot by turning off 
my modem and connected my iMac to the iPhone via Bluetooth. To be honest, I'm 
not sure what happened. I did a test email and it kept coming up saying I 
wasn't connected yet the iPhone & iMac said they were connected! When I finally 
gave up and disconnected, the email went off!! I've got no idea what happened. 
I was just testing/playing to see if it work.

My iPhone, however, has given me no problems since upgrading. My only problem 
is with the Bento app which I downloaded but that has absolutely nothing to do 
with 4.3.

Hope this helps.


Pete Smith

iMac 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
750GB Hdrive OS X 10.6.6

On 20/03/2011, at 12:35 PM, Rod Blitvich wrote:

> Hi WAMUGers
> Please can you tell me is it safe to upgrade my phone to 4.3?
> or wait a few more days?
> ta
> Blitto
> <image.gif>
> Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam’s Dad
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
>  0409 681 256  
>  rb...@iinet.net.au 
>  http://web.me.com/blitto
> Black holes suck.
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