Hi Steven,

Such a negative knee jerk reaction does make me less likely to respond. Apple's 
objective in serving the majority of its customers may not always align with 
your personal objectives.

In any case I have just tested a work around that may or may not be useful in 
your case. One can create a calendar that is not part of Mobile Me by selecting 
in iCal  File => New Calendar => On My Mac. An invitation sent from this 
calendar will then originate from your local Mail application rather than from 
the Mobile Me server. If that meets your requirements you can then transfer 
your appointments to this calendar with an export from the old calendar and an 
import to the new. The drawback of this workaround is that the calendar on your 
Mac will no longer be synchronised with Mobile Me.

Another work around which likely does not apply in your case but may apply to 
some other members of WAMUG is that one can register one's own domain name with 
your Mobile Me account. I believe that then the mobile me email would then 
appear to come from your own domain name.


On 2011-03-25, at 17:05, Steven Knowles wrote:

> Thanks Ronni. Subsequently found same quote at the support forums also. As I 
> alluded to at the forums, the move is either sneaky, or stupid, and has put a 
> dent in my respect for Apple.
> On 25/03/2011, at 6:43 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> On 25/03/2011, at 2:03 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:
>>> MobileMe asked me recently to "upgrade" to the new calendar version, which 
>>> I reluctantly did. Now if I set up a Calendar entry via iCal and invite 
>>> others, the invitation is sent from my me.com email address, rather than 
>>> the one I usually use.
>>> I can't see anything obvious, how do I override this setting and have iCal 
>>> send invitations from an email address other than me.com ? I only have my 
>>> me.com address in order to have a MobileMe account, so I don't want to use 
>>> it publicly.
>> Hi Steven
>> I don’t have an answer for you, other than send feedback to Apple.
>> This is what Apple Support had to say:
>> "I do understand your concerns and see how this issue can be frustrating. 
>> Unfortunately at this time The new MobileMe calendar does not support 
>> inviting people to calendar events with personal emails. I do encourage you 
>> to leave feedback about this feature as our engineers do look at customer 
>> feedback to help make our features to customers better.”
>> <http://discussions.info.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2790250&tstart=0>
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
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