Hello Barry,

On 13/06/2011, at 12:56 PM, Barry Sexstone wrote:

> I hope one of the wise committee members may be able to help me.
> I believe my membership payment is due as it is 12 months since I last paid.  
> The Constitution says renewal is due on the anniversary of being admitted as 
> a member.  However I seem to recall that is was proposed that all 
> subscriptions be on a common date either 1 January or 1 July.  Was this 
> proposal passed at the AGM?  If so what is the payment date?

1 January to 31 December

The below Amendments to the WAMUG Constitution were passed at the ’Special 
General Meeting’ May 2011
"The Special General Meeting of the WAMUG was held at 7.00 where the four 
special resolutions (amendments) to the constitution were put to the meeting. 
There were a number of proxy votes also received and, combined with the 
personal votes made at the actual meeting, each individual special resolution 
was carried unanimously."

“4.4    Subscriptions
4.4.1   The annual subscriptions payable by Members of the Group shall be 
determined at the Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting where 
the subject of subscriptions has been specifically included in the notice.
4.4.2   Subject to clauses 4.4.3, 4.4.4 and 4.4.5, the subscription period runs 
for the calendar year (from 1 January to 31 December). Subsequent subscriptions 
shall be due and payable within one month from 1 January each year.
4.4.3   Where an application for membership is received on or between 1 January 
and 30 June, the initial subscription fee shall be for the full annual fee and 
the initial subscription period shall expire on 31 December of that year.
4.4.4   Where an application for membership is received on or between 1 July 
and 31 October, the initial subscription fee shall be for half the annual 
subscription fee and the initial subscription period shall expire on 31 
December of that year.
4.4.5   Where an application for membership is received on or between 1 
November and 31 December, the initial subscription fee shall be for the full 
annual fee but the initial subscription period shall expire on 31 December of 
the following year.”

> I have sent a couple of emails to Peter using the address  
> pe...@civiltech.com.au  but have heard nothing in reply.  It may be my emails 
> went to junk mail as this is a frequent problem I have presumably because of 
> the first part of my surname.
> Regards
> Barry
> iMac 10,1
> Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz 
> 1.0 TB HD
> OS X 10.6.7

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