In response to some requests, here is a list of iPad apps that were demoed at 
tonight's WAMUG meeting. The apps are used in the teaching of Physics tutorials 
and labs, and a Maths tutorial.

The iPad replaces 10 - 20 kg of manuals that I would usually carry in a 
back-pack while cycling to classes, and also carries a whole library of 
reference works that I normally would not be able to take along. Apart from 
having less weight to carry, if the trend catches on for student text books, 
many fewer trees will be felled to make paper.

iBooks - free download.
Apples own classy, fully featured electronic book reader. Includes many visual 
effects that are starting to appear in imitations.
The "collections" feature can be used on the iPad itself to group books.
All the classic physics texts are loaded for reference along with the current 
first year, UWA texts. A library full of information!
I have one young student who was actually issued an eBook Maths text by her 
school. It has a nice feature that tapping on a maths problem jumps to the 
solution and vice versa.

GoodReader - $5.49
Used to mark up PDF's with type annotations, hand written text, and 
Used to access lab manuals, assignments and assignment solutions. Documents 
that benefit from annotation and notes.
It replaces what usually becomes a 5 centimetre thick manilla folder of papers. 
And many poorly printed lab manuals.

Numbers - $10.49
Apple's own user friendly spreadsheet.
Used to record student attendance lists, and grades.
iCloud, when it appears (next month according to the Apple press), will 
automatically sync Numbers spreadsheets between all your Macs and iOS devices.

powerOne SL- free for non-professinal version
This has become my calculator of choice. For the older geek crowd it supports 
Hewlett-Packard reverse polish notation!

Video and iTunes U - included in iOS
iTunes U is just a wonderful resource. For instance there is a Stanford U 
series on Thermodynamics, an Oxford U series on Quantum Mechanics, or for 
software developers there are all the sessions from Apple's latest World Wide 
Developers' Conference.
Many amazing lectures on most every topic are available from top flight 
universities and teaching institutions.


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