
That would be good, do send me his details off list. Homework rates sounds good too.


On 10/09/2011, at 3:57 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Hi Glen

My cousin's a graphic designer. He's in the UK though that's never affected anything. Something he's done recently for me is the booklet found at:

.. including the logo design. I've had him design a few logs actually, including the one you see at However he'd have a more comprehensive portfolio he could send you. I've no idea whether he's done animation or not, but if interested I'll send you his details offline. He works full time as a graphic designer, with the company charging the usual corporate rates, but if I refer you to him personally it'll be a 'homework' project at substantially cheaper rates.

Cheers, Steven

On 10/09/2011, at 5:14 PM, Glen Low wrote:

Hi All

I'm looking for a good graphic designer to work on a new iPad project. It will mostly be designing icons and small graphic objects, preference for actual illustrators who made skeuomorphic interfaces or comic books or who are into photography. It may involve some minimal animation, so if that's on your resume it would be good too.The app will be fun and I'm sure you'll enjoy working on it!

Best if you have some samples of your work online or can send me some samples over email.

I won two Apple Design Awards in 2004 for my Mac OS X work, and my app Instaviz has been in the App Store since December 2008, so this is a bona fide offer. Check out

Glen Low
Pixelglow Software

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