Hi Pat,

To possibly help those who do have the knowledge to determine what
could be wrong, can you please advise the following:

- Have you tried restarting your Mac on the install DVD, and if so
does the problem persists?
- Have you run Disk Utility and do the usual: Repair Disk, Repair Disk
- Any sign of the hard drive starting to fail, eg the question mark on
- Booted the Mac on your clone drive, if that's what you do as back-up?

As you say it may be an electrical component like a capacitor which is
failing, but best check other possibilities before taking the Mac to
the doctor. Your answers may help our in-house experts give you an
indication of what may be wrong. Sorry I cannot help, my knowledge is
quite basic.

Good luck & Happy New Year to all


2011/12/30 Pat <clamsh...@iinet.net.au>
> My intel Mac Pro is starting to have a problem, which I fear is a serious 
> one.  It is 3 years and 9 months old, so out of warranty, out of AppleCare.
> About a week ago, about 10 minutes after starting up in the morning, it 
> suddenly crashed and then restarted itself immediately.  I thought it was 
> just a glitch in our electricity supply - that happens quite a lot here.  The 
> next day, it happened again and several times since.  By now I was thinking 
> it was the Mac's problem.  This morning, I thought it wasn't going to start 
> at all - it made about a dozen attempts before it finally settled down.
> I have always turned it off at night, mainly because of the electricity 
> glitches, but I will leave it on tonight.
> I'm just guessing, but that kind of behaviour seems like it might be some 
> connection that warms up on starting, but is beginning to fail.  I bought 
> this machine from Macworx, so I will probably approach them about a repair, 
> and am fully backed up.
> I would just like to get an idea about what might be happening, and if it 
> might or might not be repairable - I will appreciate your thoughts about it.
> A safe and happy New Year to you all!
> Pat
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J Philippe Chaperon
Perth, Australie Occidentale
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