Thanks Ronni!

Wiping the drive was just an expression of my worst fears, knowing my luck I 
figured that is what I would have to do.  Thanks to WAMUG's my luck is better 
than I had thought.

Thanks again.



On 10/03/2012, at 1:51 PM, Adrian Skehan wrote:

> Thanks Ronni & Carlo for the assistance, it sure makes life easy.
> Regards,
> Adrian
> On 10/03/2012, at 1:44 PM, Adrian Skehan wrote:
>> Thanks Ronni!
>> Running the 10.7.3 updater did not restore the missing partition so I 
>> imagine that my only option now is to wipe the HD and start again as you 
>> have described.  It is time consuming but achievable with TimeMachine.  Its 
>> a pity the technician didn't mention that when he replaced the HD.
>> Regards,
>> Adrian
>> On 10/03/2012, at 1:28 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Adrian,
>>> On 10/03/2012, at 8:41 AM, Adrian Skehan wrote:
>>>> My humble apologies Ronnie, my last reply was done in a hurry and was 
>>>> largely a case of going off half cocked.
>>>> I checked for the recovery partition as you suggested and as you suspected 
>>>> there is not one.  This was a bit of a surprise to me; could it have gone 
>>>> missing when the HD was replaced a few weeks ago?
>>> Yes, this could happen if, as I mentioned in my previous email:
>>> If you cloned your old Hard Drive, the Lion Recovery Partition got wiped 
>>> out in the process (it will do that because both CCC and SuperDuper can 
>>> only clone one partition and don't recognise the other partition because it 
>>> is hidden). 
>>> The Recovery HD will only be created if you install Lion on the drive using 
>>> the Lion installer. 
>>> Restoring a backup will not create the Recovery HD.
>>> You need to install Lion on a New Hard Drive FIRST,  then Restore/ Migrate 
>>> either from your Bootable Clone or a Time Machine Backup.
>>> If you saved your Lion “InstallESD.dmg” and created a bootable Flash Drive 
>>> you should have started from that after you installed the new Hard Drive. 
>>> Then after you had installed Lion from the USB Flash Drive, you could have 
>>> restored your data to the new Hard Drive from your Time Machine backup or 
>>> CCC/SuperDuper backup.
>>>> I am downloading the 10.7.3 combo Update and will see if it will restore 
>>>> the partition.  
>>> I’m not confident this will re-create the Lion Partition, but worth trying 
>>> first before other options.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>>> I will be attending a workshop for board members of the NFP charity I have 
>>>> been involved with for the last 12 years which will take up a large part 
>>>> of the day so I will report back later.
>>>> Thanks again!
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Adrian
>>>> On 10/03/2012, at 7:38 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi Adrian,
>>>>> You are making it more difficult for me to keep helping, by not including 
>>>>> my previous text 'thread' in your replies
>>>>> I have to keep referring back to what I have already sent you.
>>>>> How did you install Lion first? 
>>>>> Did you create a Recovery Partition in the initial install?
>>>>> Does your computer only have ONE partition?
>>>>> Sounds like you might not have installed the 'Recovery Partition HD' when 
>>>>> you installed Lion.
>>>>> The Recovery HD will only be created if you install Lion on the drive 
>>>>> using the Lion installer. Restoring a backup will not create the Recovery 
>>>>> HD.
>>>>> The recovery partition is a hidden partition to take the place of the old 
>>>>> disks if you need to run diagnostics or repairs.
>>>>> If you cloned, it got wiped out in the process (it will do that because 
>>>>> both CCC and SuperDuper can only clone one partition and don't recognize 
>>>>> the other because it is hidden). 
>>>>> You do need the Recovery Partition HD for the Find My Mac feature to 
>>>>> work, also File Vault.
>>>>> To check whether you do or don't have the partition.
>>>>> Restart with the Option key held down - if you are not presented with an 
>>>>> option to boot from the recovery partition, you don't have it.
>>>>> If that is the case, you 'might' be able to reinstall Lion without having 
>>>>> to Wipe your Drive.
>>>>> But first you could try running the Lion 10.7.3 Combo Update over top of 
>>>>> your Lion install and see if that re-creates the Recovery Partition.
>>>>> <>
>>>>> I will be returning home sometime today, but until then I will be offline 
>>>>> again.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad
>>>>> On 09/03/2012, at 3:57 PM, Adrian Skehan <> wrote:
>>>>>> Under Find My Mac it says  "Recovery partition required"
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Adrian
>>>>>> On 09/03/2012, at 3:14 PM, Adrian Skehan wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Ronni!
>>>>>>> I am still having the same problem, I have downloaded the Recovery HD 
>>>>>>> Update twice but when I try to install it there is a error message that 
>>>>>>> says "Lion Recovery Update can't be installed on this disk.  An error 
>>>>>>> occurred while evaluating the JavaScript for the package"
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Adrian
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