Thanks Allen for testing Safari in another Admin Account.
Ok, as this is happening system wide with your install of Safari 5.1.7 I 
suggest you try to reinstall Safari.

1. Download Safari 5.1.7 for Snow Leopard from here. 
2. Quit Safari.
3. Drag your old to the trash.
4. Double click on the download to open it and move the new version to the 
Applications folder.

Let us know how you get on please.
I'll be busy on other support work, but will keep checking WAMUG messages when 
I'm able.


On 08/10/2012, at 4:55 PM, Allen Gladwell <> wrote:

> Hi Ronni
> Yes I have a basic "AllenTest" that I made when it needed repairs a few years 
> ago and a "Carolyn" that she only used once and Safari fails the same way in 
> both of these accounts.  It's quite solid. When I first load Safari either 
> from memory or HD the buttons function properly. If I then click on Customise 
> nothing happens there but the buttons have stopped working
> Just for something else to try in Safari I tested as many of the other menu 
> items as I could and Customize Toolbar is the only one that fails
> Regards  Allen
> On 08/10/2012, at 3:16 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>> Hi Allen,
>> On 08/10/2012, at 10:23 AM, Allen Gladwell <> wrote:
>>> Good morning Ronni
>>> -I don't seem to have any extensions. Is that unusual?
>> No not unusual, I don't have any Safari extensions in Safari 5.1.7 on a Mac 
>> mini running OS X 10.6.8
>>> -There is no extension folder in /Library/Safari
>> Not in /Library/Safari, I mentioned previously ~/Library/Safari/Extensions  
>> NOT /Library/Safari/Extension,
>> the( ~ tilde) represents your Home/Library/Safari/Extensions
>> BUT  you won't see that folder anyway as your mentioned you DON'T have any 
>> extensions in Safari, that folder is only created when you Add any 
>> extensions to Safari.
>>> -I have removed Inquisitor and SIMBL and a ClickToFlash.Webplugin
>>> I have disabled all the Safari plugins and the problem is unchanged.
>> If disabling didn't make any difference you may as well able all the Safari 
>> plugins again.
>>> Most of those LIbrary folders, both HD and user, you mention are empty or 
>>> not there except /Library/Internet Plug-Ins where I disabled the plug-ins
>>> Ronni I appreciate your help and I would like it fixed but it's not urgent 
>>> as Safari seems to be working well unless I try to Customise the toolbar, 
>>> in fact it is running very fast now. Perhaps if and when you have an idle 
>>> moment you could suggest a next step
>> Do you have another Administrator User Account on your MacBook Pro? 
>> If not I would like you to create another User Account so we can see if it 
>> is system related or just related to your User Account.
>> If Safari works properly in another user account, reinstalling it would not 
>> solve your problem.
>> So, if Safari does work properly in another account; 
>> Please boot in Safe Mode, Log in as yourself, launch Safari, and test... 
>> Same problem?
>> After testing, reboot as usual (not in safe mode.)
>> To start up into Safe Mode (to Safe Boot), do this:
>> 1. Be sure your Mac is shut down.
>> 2. Press the power button.
>> 3.  Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The 
>> Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not 
>> before the tone.
>> 4.  Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress 
>> indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
>> During startup in Mac OS X v10.6.8, you will see "Safe Boot" on the login 
>> window
>> Let me know how you get on please Allen.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni

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