Hi Barry,

Is you Home Folder showing in the Finder Sidebar? That is just an Alias in the 
You need to:
1. In the Finder, click the icon for your Hard Drive.
 (Unless you’ve renamed it, it’s probably called Macintosh HD.)

2. Open the Users folder.

3. Then drag your Home Folder from the Users folder onto the Dock (first spot 
to the right of the divider) and release the mouse button.

If you hover your cursor over the dock you will see the divider symbol (white 
vertical line with arrow top & bottom)


On 07/02/2013, at 4:50 PM, Barry Sexstone <bjsexst...@netspace.net.au> wrote:

> G'Day all
> I am sure I am missing something very obvious
> I have been away for a short time and one of my Grand-children has had access 
> to the computer although there is no proof they have caused the problem.
> The icon for my home folder (the house symbol) has disappeared from the dock. 
>   How do I restore it?   I have tried various things with no avail,  I 
> presume it is a default icon as I have never placed it there so it probably 
> behaves differently to other folders.
> Thanks
> Barry
> iMac 10,1
> Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz 
> 12GB RAM
> 1.0 TB HD
> OS X 10.7.5

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