Hi Barry,

I suggest grandkids be supervised when using your iMac, or taught NOT to fiddle 
and change any settings.
Or Create a User Account for them with Parental Controls.

I have had to fix many serious problems that kids have created on clients Macs.
My grandkids were taught in very early years to respect a computer, that it is 
not a toy. 
Sure they can do real fun things on a Mac, but they must not change any 
settings or fiddle with things they don't understand.


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

On 07/02/2013, at 6:27 PM, Barry Sexstone <bjsexst...@netspace.net.au> wrote:

> Many thanks again Ronni I should have thought of that myself.   I think my 
> recent stay in RPH has turned my brain to mush!
> Cheers
> Barry
> iMac 10,1
> Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz 
> 12GB RAM
> 1.0 TB HD
> OS X 10.7.5
> On 07/02/2013, at 6:18 PM, Barry Sexstone wrote:
>> Many thanks Ronni
>> That worked BUT. the icon is now that of the first of my home folders.   I 
>> can live with that but it seems odd that now behaves like any other folder 
>> on the dock.   In Finder side bar the hard drive icon has disappeared 
>> although it does appear on the desktop, all the external drives appear but 
>> not the Macintosh HD
>> Cheers 
>> Barry
>> iMac 10,1
>> Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz 
>> 12GB RAM
>> 1.0 TB HD
>> OS X 10.7.5
>> On 07/02/2013, at 5:37 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Barry,
>>> Is you Home Folder showing in the Finder Sidebar? That is just an Alias in 
>>> the Sidebar.
>>> You need to:
>>> 1. In the Finder, click the icon for your Hard Drive.
>>> (Unless you’ve renamed it, it’s probably called Macintosh HD.)
>>> 2. Open the Users folder.
>>> 3. Then drag your Home Folder from the Users folder onto the Dock (first 
>>> spot to the right of the divider) and release the mouse button.
>>> If you hover your cursor over the dock you will see the divider symbol 
>>> (white vertical line with arrow top & bottom)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 07/02/2013, at 4:50 PM, Barry Sexstone <bjsexst...@netspace.net.au> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> G'Day all
>>>> I am sure I am missing something very obvious
>>>> I have been away for a short time and one of my Grand-children has had 
>>>> access to the computer although there is no proof they have caused the 
>>>> problem.
>>>> The icon for my home folder (the house symbol) has disappeared from the 
>>>> dock.   How do I restore it?   I have tried various things with no avail,  
>>>> I presume it is a default icon as I have never placed it there so it 
>>>> probably behaves differently to other folders.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Barry
>>>> iMac 10,1
>>>> Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz 
>>>> 12GB RAM
>>>> 1.0 TB HD
>>>> OS X 10.7.5
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