Hi David

If you hold down the option key when you launch iPhoto, you will get the 
'rebuild' menu. Work thru the options one by one until it works again.

Hope this helps.

PS Of course you've got a backup copy of your library....

On 6/08/13 3:11 PM, David Nicholas wrote:
> Hello all
> I have had a strange problem today.  When I opened iPhoto I had a message 
> that my Library needed to be repaired.  Of course I accepted that and it went 
> ahead.  But then I got a very disturbing message - Something like  Can't find 
> the disk so can't save the Library.  To the best of my knowledge I hadn't 
> made any changes since I last opened it two days before.
> Using my first line of defence, I rebooted.  Now I had a friendly display 
> saying that to start using iPhoto I should put some photos in it.
> My iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie are stored on a separate Data disk as set up by 
> Daniel.  According to Finder, I have 189.97 GB in the IPhoto Library sitting 
> there which was most recently modified when I recently rebooted the machine.  
> So it still exists, but whatever happened this morning has cut me off from it.
> I have looked at various forums but can't see any solutions to my particular 
> problem.  iTunes and iMovie are working quite normally.  Can anybody help me 
> to reconnect iPhoto to its Library?
> David Nicholas
> iMac OS X  10.8.4
> 2 GHz Intel Core i7
> 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3
> iPhoto 11  9.4.3
> iTunes 11.04
> iMovie 11  9.0.9
> David Nicholas
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