Hi Rob,

I don't like to sound picky and disagree with you but your instructions to 
David for Rebuilding the iPhoto 11 9.4.3 Library is incorrect.

To rebuild the iPhoto library:
1. Quit iPhoto if it is open.
2. Hold down the 'Command and Option' keys on the keyboard.
3. Open iPhoto.
4. Keep the Option & Command keys held down until you are prompted to rebuild 
the library.
5. A dialog will appear with rebuild options. Select the options you want to 
6. Click Rebuild to begin the rebuild process. This may take a few minutes to 


On 06/08/2013, at 3:32 PM, Rob Phillips <r.phill...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Hi David
> If you hold down the option key when you launch iPhoto, you will get the 
> 'rebuild' menu. Work thru the options one by one until it works again.
> Hope this helps.
> Rob
> PS Of course you've got a backup copy of your library....
> On 6/08/13 3:11 PM, David Nicholas wrote:
>> Hello all
>> I have had a strange problem today.  When I opened iPhoto I had a message 
>> that my Library needed to be repaired.  Of course I accepted that and it 
>> went ahead.  But then I got a very disturbing message - Something like  
>> Can't find the disk so can't save the Library.  To the best of my knowledge 
>> I hadn't made any changes since I last opened it two days before.
>> Using my first line of defence, I rebooted.  Now I had a friendly display 
>> saying that to start using iPhoto I should put some photos in it.
>> My iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie are stored on a separate Data disk as set up by 
>> Daniel.  According to Finder, I have 189.97 GB in the IPhoto Library sitting 
>> there which was most recently modified when I recently rebooted the machine. 
>>  So it still exists, but whatever happened this morning has cut me off from 
>> it.
>> I have looked at various forums but can't see any solutions to my particular 
>> problem.  iTunes and iMovie are working quite normally.  Can anybody help me 
>> to reconnect iPhoto to its Library?
>> David Nicholas
>> iMac OS X  10.8.4
>> 2 GHz Intel Core i7
>> 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3
>> iPhoto 11  9.4.3
>> iTunes 11.04
>> iMovie 11  9.0.9
>> David Nicholas

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