On 11 Apr 2014, at 7:20 am, Peter Faulks <peterfau...@westnet.com.au> wrote:

>> I see lots of questions about Mavericks, I now keep getting update requests 
>> to go to Mavericks.
> My wife and I are  both retired and we each have an iMac 9 with 2.66GHZ Intel 
> Core processors  running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. With 2Gb Hard Drive. (Plus we 
> have a Mac Book Pro Lap Top, iPad and iPhones)
> We use Microsoft Office 2004, Adobe CS3 and Eudora but I don't want to have 
> to go out and purchase new software! Plus we have some recreational games 
> that keep us amused so if we upgrade to Mavericks, how much will this change 
> what we currently use and is it worth upgrading?
> PS we haven't upgraded to Lion because we heard that most of our software 
> will not run on Lion? and being oldies we are wary of change...
> Any suggestions

The bad news is that none of the software you use will work with Mavericks, 
since they all require Rosetta to be active, which was discontinued by Apple in 
Lion (Mac OS 10.7).

The good news is that there are excellent free or low-cost substitutes for all 
of them. It’s difficult to comment fourth in details since I don’t know to what 
extent you use products such as Office and Abobe’s Creative Suite, but I can 
tell you from personal experience as someone who has recent versions of both 
products running under Mavericks, that I rarely use either of them. 

Pages, Numbers and Keynote can take care of most of your needs when it comes to 
Office, and if not there is always Open Office or any of its variants such as 
NeoOffice. Many of the basic photo manipulation tasks of Photoshop are easily 
handled by iPhoto or even Preview. For anything more sophisticated there are 
apps such as Pixelmator, Acorn and others which are faster and easier to use, 
and use all of Apple’s modern technologies as well, unlike the Adobe products. 
There are also good substitutes for Illustrator, and the Mavericks version of 
Apple’s own Preview makes Acrobat Professional all but obsolete.

If you’re not happy to use Apple’s Mail, there’s always Thunderbird, which is 
the basis for the current version of Eudora anyway.

Unfortunately, you’re not going to be able to escape this situation. You’ll 
certainly be faced with it if you ever want to buy a new Apple computer.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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