Hi Alan,

>  To extend your suggestion, I could copy the app to the 2012 iMac and 
> download (?) version 4.4.  


> Or even use the 2009 backup as the 2012 Startup disk.   A too-simple view of 
> things?

Follow my previous instructions below - Use the 2012 iMac to run DW - TDM 2009 

> You seem to suggest that Disk Warrior may succeed where Apple Disk Repair 
> failed

Disk Warrior can often repair a Hard Drive that Disk Utility can not repair.


> On 23 Nov 2014, at 10:33 pm, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Ronni
> I had just checked to see if Disk Warrior was installed on the 2009 iMac 
> SuperDuper backup.  It is!  But I think it would be safer to leave any action 
> until tomorrow.    To extend your suggestion, I could copy the app to the 
> 2012 iMac and download (?) version 4.4.  

> Or even use the 2009 backup as the 2012 Startup disk.   A too-simple view of 
> things?
> You seem to suggest that Disk Warrior may succeed where Apple Disk Repair 
> failed.   It was the high regard held for DW that caused me to buy it in the 
> first place, but I never had occasion to use it; then it slipped from memory. 
>  I would like a fair diagnosis before I call in the Consulting Wizard: the 
> 2009 iMac has no ethernet due to lightning damage 2 years ago, so it may be 
> time for a beautiful machine to go to a retirement home - or the street verge.
> Cheers
> Alan
>> On 23 Nov 2014, at 9:25 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> Might be time to call in your Apple Consultant / Technician as the Hard 
>> Drive might be failing and need replacing.
>> You mentioned some time ago both your iMacs 2009 & 2012 are running OS X 
>> 10.9 Mavericks
>> As your newer iMac 2012 has Thunderbolt connection - your older 2009 has 
>> FW800 connection
>> Do you have Disk Warrior v4.4 installed in Utilities on the 2012 iMac? If 
>> you have v4.3 installed in Utilities you can use the free updater for 
>> existing owners of DiskWarrior 4 versions 4.0-4.3 to download version 4.4 
>> (you need your serial number)
>> You could then use Target Disk Mode by connecting both iMacs via Thunderbolt 
>> to Firewire Adaptor cable.
>> First: Have both iMacs connected to Power & Disconnect anything connected to 
>> your iMacs other than Keyboard & Mouse
>> Target Disk Mode:
>> Shutdown target 2009 iMac - Your 2012 ‘host’ iMac can be running.
>> 1. Connect two iMacs with a Thunderbolt to FireWire cable where the 2012 
>> iMac is the “host” and the 2009 iMac is a “target”. 
>> 2. The host 2012 iMac should be running an OS X in which DiskWarrior 4.4 
>> runs. 
>> In this scenario, the target 2009 iMac is the Mac whose disk you are trying 
>> to fix/rebuild. 
>> 3. Start the 2009 iMac and immediately Press & Hold the “ T “ key down until 
>> the Firewire icon appears
>> 4. The target Mac’s drive will appear as a usable drive on the host Mac.
>> 5. Run DiskWarrior from the host Mac and rebuild the target Mac’s disk. 
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> On 23 Nov 2014, at 6:30 pm, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni
>>> No joy I’m afraid.
>>> Also no chime at startup this time - just a litle squeak.  But loaded Boot 
>>> Manager OK.
>>> Using Recovery HD, SMART was shown as “verified”.  Ran DU Repair Disk twice 
>>> but had same error message each time “Disk Utility can’t repair the disk - 
>>> - reformat”.  No errors noted as fixed.   Verify and Repair Permissions 
>>> remained greyed out.
>>> I have Disk Warrior 4.3 on a CD - some years old now.   The only CD drive 
>>> is on the faulty Mac!
>>> Cheers
>>> Alan
>>>> On 23 Nov 2014, at 4:17 pm, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Alan,
>>>> If you don’t have DiskWarrior on another Mac that you could boot from and 
>>>> try to Repair the iMac’s Hard Drive.
>>>> First:  Disconnect all devices connected to your iMac - only leave 
>>>> connected Keyboard & Mouse.
>>>> Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press 
>>>> and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. 
>>>> Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold 
>>>> down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the 
>>>> Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
>>>> Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility 
>>>> from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
>>>> When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select 
>>>> your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side 
>>>> list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. 
>>>> status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard 
>>>> drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external 
>>>> Firewire or USB drives.) 
>>>> If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on 
>>>> the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, 
>>>> then click on the Repair Disk button. 
>>>> If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk 
>>>> until no errors are reported. 
>>>> If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait 
>>>> until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
>>>> Reinstall Mavericks: Select Reinstall Mavericks and click on the Continue 
>>>> button.
>>>> Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using 
>>>> Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.
>>>>> On 23 Nov 2014, at 3:46 pm, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>> Update on issue - - -.
>>>>> Booted from a 4-week old SuperDuper backup (on a Firewire drive).  Held 
>>>>> Option key while powering on.  Operations are very slow and I don’t know 
>>>>> if I’m responding to the SuperDuper or iMac messages.   Got boot disk 
>>>>> options - Macintosh HD; recovery disk and SuperDuper disk.  Selected 
>>>>> SuperDuper and logged in. 
>>>>> Got information message: “OSX can’t repair the disk Macintosh HD … you 
>>>>> can still open or copy files … backup and repair a.s.a.p."
>>>>> Started Disk Utility and Verified disk Macintosh HD.  After step “check 
>>>>> catalog file” got messages in red:  Invalid key length. The volume 
>>>>> Macintosh HD could not be verified completely.  Error: this disk needs to 
>>>>> be repaired. Click Repair Disk.
>>>>> Did Repair Disk and got message “Error: Disk Utility can’t repair the 
>>>>> disk - - - reformat  - - - and restore files from backup.”
>>>>> Sounds rather serious.  I did not reformat disk.  Any advice (apart from 
>>>>> having a strong coffee - - -)?
>>>>> Cheers (sort of)
>>>>> Alan
>>>>>> On 23 Nov 2014, at 1:40 pm, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>> Help please!
>>>>>> My late 2009 iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM with OSX 10.9.5 
>>>>>> Mavericks fails to complete the start-up sequence.  
>>>>>> Mac was powered off via Apple - Shut Down.   Power-up sequence starts 
>>>>>> normally: chime and grey screen, then the Apple logo and daisy wheel.  
>>>>>> Then I get a progress bar as if it is loading something (I don’t recall 
>>>>>> if this is normal).  After about 5 percent progress the bar disappears, 
>>>>>> the daisy wheel continues for a second or so and then the screen goes 
>>>>>> black plus silence from the internal hard drive.   
>>>>>> The only wired peripherals are two WD My Book Studio Firewire external 
>>>>>> hard drives in tandem (one cable from Mac).  Tried powering up with the 
>>>>>> Firewire cable plugged in (normal) and then unplugged.  No joy.
>>>>>> I tried starting in Safe Mode but could not do so.  There was no change, 
>>>>>> but possibly a slightly longer time interval between chime and daisy 
>>>>>> wheel.
>>>>>> Other observations, but may be red herrings.  I used AirDrop to move 
>>>>>> EyeTV recordings to the iMac this morning.  Came back 30 minutes later 
>>>>>> to move the videos to a WD My Book Studio for iTunes.  Noticed that one 
>>>>>> of the two external drives did not show in Finder.  I powered off the 
>>>>>> iMac so I could access the drives, power cords, etc.  Then a few minutes 
>>>>>> later I attempted to start up the iMac - - -.
>>>>>> Regards, 
>>>>>> Alan
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