I’m sure this will have been addressed somewhere in the past, but please point 
me to a solution.

A senior citizen friend has reset her iPad Mini in an attempt to solve a 
problem transferring photos on it to her iMac running Maverick OS.
That problem prior to reset was a message -“Unable to transfer to Photo as the 
device is locked” Her 4 digit password wouldn’t unlock that and the message 
kept repeating. Can I come back to that problem later because—

As a result of resetting her iPad Mini, the wifi needs reconnecting, but she’s 
forgotten her password.
We tried all her passwords, then the codes on the back of the router/modem 
without success.

Is the only solution to access the router and reset the passord, or is there a 
simpler workaround?
If I have to reset her modem is that straitforward?

BY THE WAY I don’t think her iPad Mini is right up to date but has iOS 9 


Marcus Harris
P.O. Box 7135
Marcus Harris
Shenton Park
Western Australia 6008
Cryptodome Pty Ltd
Mob: +61 (0) 417965618

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