Hi Alan, hi Matt,


There are certainly ways of setting up sharing to share stuff between different 
users on the network -and set different access levels for specific 
folders/files etc . 


However since Matt is primarily trying to share stuff between the same user on 
different computers and trying to connect to his stuff on a different computer 
then I think that getting his new iMac setup so that his User account has the 
same User ID as his user account on the older computers should be his first 







From: <wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au> on behalf of Alan Smith 
Reply-To: <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Date: Monday, 18 May 2020 at 14:16
To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: Re: iMac not connecting to other iMac's


Hi Matt, more thoughts:


   I will be interested in reading the conversation between you and Neil 
Houghton about resolving User ID 501/502 and permissions. I had problems with 
unmatched User IDs a few years ago.  Now I read Migration instructions - very 


  Are you working within the “administrator” user account on all Macs?  Note 
the text mid-window below the indicator for "File Sharing: On" via Apple > 
System Preferences > Sharing.  There is an inference that Administrators can 
access everything, but other users can only access specific shared folders.


   I never use the Mac “Shared” folder for copying files between computers 
within my network.  I normally use “Share Screen” where I can navigate 
visually.  All user actions are at one Mac, either push or pull.  I usually 
drag files.  I can also drag files via the Finder sidebar (Locations) to the 
destination Mac.  I assume I could alternatively Copy then Paste which would 
make navigation more certain.  (I still don't have a clear idea of your method 
or wanted outcome.)






On 18 May 2020, at 8:52 am, Matt Falvey <mmfal...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:


Hi Alan, I tried the screen sharing method and I was able to get it to work, 
but found it very awkward. In that to save a file to the second mac I had to 
make sure that the file was visible in its location in finder and on the screen 
on the first Mac, so that could be reflected on the screen of the second. So I 
could then copy it from that initial finder to the storage location on the 
second screen.


What I am hoping to achieve is to be able to just be able to go Save As and an 
image of the files on the HD of the second mac opens up and I can select which 
folder to store the file in without having to actually go to that Mac.


Thanks for your help.




Message: 1
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 12:17:50 +0800
From: Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au>
To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: Re: iMac not connecting to other iMac's
Message-ID: <0159a081-97ca-42ba-9c39-ba4a48f97...@iinet.net.au>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hi Matt

Have you read the official Apple help file to ?Share the screen of another Mac??


I also have three Macs of various vintages.  Initially I a few problems with 
stability with the 3 Macs all sharing at the same time. Works perfectly with 
any combination of two.


On 15 May 2020, at 11:54 am, Matt Falvey <mmfal...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

Hi, I have three iMacs (one is a recent second hand one - 2013 HD) and I am 
trying to transfer documents from one to the other. All show up as ?Shared? on 
the side bar of the finder window.

With the two older iMacs when I click on the 2013 HD icon in Shared the window 
in the next column opens and states the HD name and ?Connection Failed? and I 
have the option Connect As and Share Screen. When I try Connect As and try to 
connect as the Registered User using the Name and Password, it reverts to the 
previous screen, with the Connection Failed. 

(The two older iMacs connect to each other.)

If I go to the 2013 HD finder window and click on either of the other two HD?s 
they connect straight away and I am able to transfer files to the respective 

I have also have a problem with the new 2013 HD, which was posted last week, 
with hindsight this may be associated to this problem and that is that when I 
try to save files to one of the other iMacs I get a message ?The document 
?xxxxx.pdf? could not be exported as ? xxxxxxx.pdf? as You don?t have 
Permission. To view or change permissions select the item in the Finder and 
choose File > Get Info. Which needless to say doesn?t work.

So it seems as if for whatever reason the other two are communicating inwards 
with the 2013 HD but something is stopping it from being able to connect 

I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas or solutions to share.



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