Hi all,

David Brown, who isn't on WAMUG but who has been following this thread, has 
suggested that the iMac might be set to auto re-start  on power failure. I 
haven't been into the new house, and I won't be going there today, but I'm 
certain he is right. I don't usually have that feature set, but the machine we 
are using is an old one, just set up to test that the NBN connection was 
working, and it could easily be set up that way.

It ties in with something else I noticed. The iMac shuts down quickly - 
noticeably quicker than the desktop machine I use at home. Because it is just a 
temporary setup there are no other devices attached, not even a backup disk, so 
there is nothing with a light to indicate that the shutdown is complete. When 
we're leaving the house I shut down the mac, turn off the modem, then flick the 
isolation switch as I walk out of the room. If the iMac is shutting down the 
screen well before it has completed its full power-down, I may be turning off 
the isolation switch while the iMac is still technically on (although it shows 
no sign of life).

When I want to use the machine I turn on the isolation switch, turn on the 
modem (or just walk over and wave my hand at it - takes the same amount of 
time) and lo and behold the iMac boot up - it has detected the return of power 
after what would have looked like a power failure. I've never had a pop-up 
warning me that the machine was shut down incorrectly.

It even allows for the fact that I've turned on the power, avoided the modem,  
and the iMac hasn't booted - if it had time to fully shut down last time it was 
used it wouldn't have re-started. 

I'll check it out next time I'm in at the house and let you know. 
Kaye and Geoff

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