
> I have had a family tree website for many years hosted by Webcity which were 
> taken over by Vodien Internet Solutions, based in Singapore around mid 2020.

Vodien - say no more! We don't use them for hosting, but they are the domain 
registrar we've ended up with. We host a lot of web sites for other people, and 
manage their domain names. Like Matt, we suddenly had about 20 domains taken 
over by Vodien when they bought out WebCity , and they are the worst registrar 
we have ever dealt with. One of the fundamental things we need in a registrar 
is the ability to point the domain name to the hosting site - we can't even do 
that for any of our sites. We are slowly moving everyone off them.

The only way we get any response from them is to phone them, but even then the 
person you talk to appears to have no technical knowledge.

My advice is to move servers if you can. We are moving to Ventra IP, but that, 
too, is just for the domain registration - our hosting is completely separate.

Cheers, Kaye 

Kaye and Geoff

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