Matt I have been using

   [1]Home - Domain Names, Web Hosting for Perth, Western Australia
   With great success for a long time. No fuss, resolves problems quickly
   and is very customer focused.

   Yes it’s run by our very own Daniel
   Tim Law

     On 22 Jan 2023, at 3:11 pm, Matt Falvey via WAMUG
     <> wrote:

   Hi, I know this is not strictly mac related, but it is about webs site
   hosting mac a product from Reunion family tree application on The Next
   Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding (TNG).
   I have had a family tree website for many years hosted by Webcity which
   were taken over by Vodien Internet Solutions, based in Singapore around
   mid 2020.
   On 1 Jan 2023 I noticed my site was down and thought it may be related
   to the change of the year so I let it go before notifying them on the
   3rd. Since then they have managed to get the website up intermittently
   about 3 or 4 times.
   (I registered my Domain name with Crazy Domains and in mid 2020 I
   received notification that they would be transferring their operation
   to Dreamscape Networks International, based in Singapore, but still
   operating under the same name.)
   As the website was continually off line I thought I would contact Crazy
   Domains to See if there was anything wrong with my Domain registration,
   which may have explained why the site was not working,. The technician
   there was able to access my website and everything that had been
   happening since I lodged my complaint with Vodien. (I subsequently
   found out they are the same company.)
   Any way it seems he knew what was wrong and told me to get in touch
   with auDA as there was nothing, they could or were allowed to do.
   I had never heard of the auDA, but they are a non profit .au Domain
   Adminstration that oversees the operation and management framework of
   the .au domain on the internet.
   Apparently they advised Vodien on 19 Dec 2022 that a Ph  ishing scam
   impersonating the America First Credit Union was trying to acquire
   account numbers and passwords, they gave Vodien 72 hours to fix it and
   when they didn’t’ they blocked the website with a message to them
   serverHold DNS abuse.  They said Phishing had been reported by, various
   auDa had to tell me what to tell Vodien what the problem was and how to
   fix the problem.
   So Vodien did that and the website came back up and went back down
   Then then said to fix it they would need to go back to a September back
   up, reinstall it and everything will be working fine after that . They
   did that and the same problem is persisting, the website is down.
   So I asked them a couple of days ago, were they going to seriously
   attempt to fix the problem, expedite it to a senior member so I can get
   the service I require and what compensation I will be receiving?
   They came back with, they had moved it up the chain and the senior
   engineer recommended that I authorise them migrating the website to a
   new server for free.  I asked them what is the benefit of going to the
   new server. They replied that the new server has been securely updated
   and is free of any problems. They also offered 3 months extension of my
   current contract for free.
   Has anyone had any similar issues? Or has anyone with any knowledge of
   hosting any suggestions as to whether it is a good idea to move to the
   new server or not? (I presume if I don’t, I won’t have a website.)
   Finally can anyone recommend a family tree friendly host service,
   (possibly Australian based), for when I almost certainly choose to
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