Sep 29, 2007 21:54 | Updated Sep 29, 2007 22:18 

Caught on tape: How a 16-year-old girl was lynched in Gaza
After more than 20 years in the business, and just when you think you've seen 
it all, there's always something that shocks you more than ever. 

A photo from a cellphone video of the 16-year-old victim of the Gaza lynching.
Photo: Ariel Jerozolimksi

This time it's the brutal murder of a 16-year-old girl in the Gaza Strip. Her 
crime: "dishonoring" her family. Of course, there is no way to verify the 
allegations against her and other females who have fallen victim to "honor 

The gruesome murder occurred a few weeks ago, when the girl - who looks much 
younger than her age - was dragged into the street and handed to an mob of 
angry young men. 

Eyewitnesses told The Jerusalem Post that many of those who participated in the 
lynch were Hamas members and relatives of the girl. 

A five-minute video obtained by the Post over the weekend reveals the savagery 
and mercilessness of the killers. 

What's really disturbing is that none of those at the crime scene tried to 
intervene to save the girl's life. 

More than 20 young men are seen beating, stabbing and kicking the little girl 
before smashing her head with large stones. 

It's not easy to watch such a video. The scenes of the girl lying on the ground 
as frenzied men trample her are unimaginable. 

At one point, the girl tries to cover her head with her hands to avoid the 
kicking. She then tries to rise to her feet, only to be stabbed repeatedly by 
one of the men. 

As she collapses, one of the attackers pulls down her skirt so that the rest of 
his friends will not see her underwear. The girl is required to maintain her 
"modesty" even as she is being preyed upon. 

And just when you think the lynch is about to end, someone emerges from the 
crowd carrying a large white stone. 

He throws the stone at the girl's back as she lays face down, motionless. 

Seconds later, another man throws a large stone at the back of her head. The 
video ends with the girl laying in a pool of blood. 

Mission accomplished. Hours later, a few local reporters sent a terse statement 
to their news organizations informing them of another "honor killing" in the 
Gaza Strip. Not a word about the way the girl had been lynched. The story 
barely made it to the mainstream media. 

I asked a Hamas security official if he had been aware of the incident. 

"There have been a number of cases in the Gaza Strip in the past few months, 
but we didn't hear about this specific killing," he replied. "In any case, we 
are against these killings because we don't want anyone to take the law into 
his own hands." 

Needless to say, no one has been arrested, despite the public nature of the 

According to the Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights, at least 11 
women have been killed in the Strip since the beginning of the year in what are 
traditionally known as "honor killings." 

The most recent took place in late July, when three sisters were fatally 
stabbed by male relatives in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip. 

Sources in the Strip said many cases were never been reported, with the victims 
buried secretly. 

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