Statement of Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin,

the President of ACRP on the bombing terror of  J.W. Marriot and Ritz Carlton 
Hotels, Jakarta, July 17, 2009.



  1.. We strongly condemn the bombing terror of J.W. Marriot and Ritz Carlton 
Hotels. Undoubtedly, the bombing was an inhumane crime, which against humanity, 
abuses religions and contradicts with universal values.
  2.. As we celebrate our successful and peaceful parliamentary and president 
elections, we were very shocked by the explosion of the bombs. Victims of the 
bombs were not mainly those who lost their lives or injured, but the whole 
Indonesian people. 
  3.. We, wholeheartedly extend our deepest sympathy and sincere condolence to 
all innocent victims of the bombings. For those who were killed, may they rest 
in peace.  For those who were injured may soon recover and have every best of 
the future.
  4.. We urge the government of Indonesia and its security forces to maximize a 
sound, independent, objective and professional investigation to uncover actors, 
motives and mastermind of the bombings. It is a wise that neither the 
government nor security forces making speculative and contra-productive 
statements, which might lead to public controversies and social-political 
  5.. It is important that all elements of society to remain positive and 
confident about the security condition of Indonesia and maintain harmonious 
friendship and relationship to prevent unexpected social disintegration.
  6.. We invite individuals as well as state, political and, especially, 
religious leaders to joint hands and strengthen cooperation to prevent any kind 
of violence and terrorism as a common enemy and to develop a safer and more 
peaceful world. 


Jakarta, July 18th, 2009

Asian Conference on Religion for Peace (ACRP)




Prof. Dr. M. Din Syamsuddin


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