Budhaya Muslim Arab lebih buruk dari binatang ternak;Semoga bangsa Indonesia 
tidak ikut2an dgn  budhaya arab tersebut;

Pembunuhan saudara2 muslim sudah menjadi Budhaya Muslim Arab
semenjak wafatnya Rasulullah saw....nyawa seorang arab kurang 
berharga di budhaya Arab...sudah jutaan manusia yg mati karena
saling bunuh membunuh hanya karena berbeda menafsirkan wahyu2
ALLAH antara Syiah,keluarag rasul dgn pengikut2 Rasul(sahabat2)

Terjadinya malapetaka2, kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan di Afganistan,Iraq Sudan 
dll adalah karena perbuatan2 mereka

Pembunuhan2 Suicide lagi2 membantai orang2 Civil di Iraq.
nauzubiullah...begitu kejamnya mereka lebih buruk dari binatang ternak.


BAGHDAD – Two suicide bombers targeting members of a government-backed, 
anti-al-Qaida militia struck within hours of each other early Sunday, killing 
at least 46 people and wounding 52, Iraqi officials said.

The bombings were the deadliest in a series of attacks across Iraq Sunday that 
were aimed at the Sons of Iraq, a Sunni group also known as Sahwa that works 
with government forces to fight al-Qaida in Iraq. The attacks highlighted the 
stiff challenges the country faces as the U.S. scales back its forces in Iraq, 
leaving their Iraqi counterparts in charge of security.

The first attack Sunday morning — the deadliest against Iraq's security forces 
in months — claimed at least 43 lives. It occurred at a checkpoint near a 
military base where Sahwa members were lined up to receive paychecks in the 
mostly Sunni district of Radwaniya southwest of Baghdad.

At least six of the dead were Iraqi soldiers, 34 were Sahwa members and three 
were accountants, according to hospital and police officials. At least 13 of 
the wounded were Iraqi Army soldiers, four were accountants and the rest were 
believed to be from Sahwa, the officials said.

A military official at the base said the explosion was the work of one suicide 
bomber wearing an explosives vest.

All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized 
to speak to the media.

Iraqi military spokesman Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi said the bomber struck at 
7 a.m. at a checkpoint near the military facility.

The area was immediately closed off, and Iraqi helicopters could be seen flying 
over the site.

In the second attack, a suspected militant stormed a local Sahwa headquarters 
in the Anbar province town of Qaim, near the Syrian border, and opened fire on 
those inside. Sahwa fighters returned fire, wounding the attacker, who then 
blew himself up as they gathered around him, killing three of the fighters and 
wounding three others, two police officials said, also speaking on condition of 
anonymity. Qaim is a former insurgent stronghold.

While violence has dropped dramatically over the past two years in the country, 
Iraqi security forces remain a favorite target for insurgents bent on 
destabilizing the country and its Shiite-led government.

The Sahwa fighters have played a key role in the reduction of violence in Iraq 
since they first rose up against their former al-Qaida allies in late 2006, 
joining the U.S. military and government forces in the fight against the terror 

In another attack, roughly at the same time as that in Qaim, gunmen in a 
speeding car opened fire on a Sahwa checkpoint in Mahaweel, about 56 kilometers 
(35 miles) south of Baghdad, wounding one, according to Babil police spokesman 
Maj. Muthana Khalid.

Khalid said a roadside bomb went off about 30 minutes later, hitting a car 
driven by another Sahwa member in Haswa, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) south 
of Baghdad. The Sahwa member was wounded in the attack.

More than four months after an inconclusive parliamentary election in March, 
Iraq has no government as politicians continue to bicker over who will lead it. 
The impasse has raised fears that militants will exploit the political vacuum 
to re-ignite sectarian violence that brought Iraq to the brink of civil war in 
2006 and 2007.

The attacks against the security forces and the Sahwa are especially worrying 
because they come at a time when the number of U.S. troops in Iraq is dropping 
and Iraq's nascent security forces are taking over security in the country. All 
U.S. combat units are scheduled to leave Iraq by the end of next month and the 
last American soldier by the end of next year.

Insurgents have used an array of attacks to intimidate and kill security 
forces, such as drive-by shootings, bombs attached to the undercarriage of 
vehicles and bombing houses where security forces live. But Sunday's attack in 
Radwaniya was more reminiscent of the type insurgents used in the past to 
discourage people from joining the security forces.

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