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I wonder if this latest attack on Iraq was not meant to clear the way for
the Israeli-Arab war that seems to unfolding before our eyes. I hope I am

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G.Michael Stevens
----- Original Message -----
From: "d hieger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 11:34
Subject: RE: {W&P} What's happening in Iraq?

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If the United States is to continue enforcing the
no fly zone, and the Iraqis are going to continue
to lock on to the US planes with their anti aircraft
radar, then the strikes are necessary to protect the
US pilots.

Tamar Herzberg wrote:
> GWB proves that he thinks of oil interests all the
> time - he just said that he'll be "stikter" than
> Clinton.
> It should be noted, that this air-strike, as
> frightening as it may be, is pretty "regular" - I
> remember they done it every forthnight or so.
> That brings up the question - besides oil interests
> and the fact that GWB is not the man to say "we've
> been wrong" - what's good about the strikes? It seems
> to be that 9 years later, Saddam is still inpower, he
> builds up forces (maybe less fiercefully than before,
> but nevertheless), and the only ones that really
> suffer is Iraqi babies: Saddam is glad to make them
> poster boys of his struggle against the west.
> It might be a "bigger" discussion than Iraq (that
> comes up every few threads here...): Are sanctions a
> practical policy?
> Take Cuba for example, take China for another example:
> When it's convinient for the US, the ignore communism
> for trade interests.
> Take Iraq, and take Iran; Take Serbia; or any other
> example in the past. Arms embargo doesn't mean no arms
> (because you can always find the greey bastard who'll
> sell); trade embargo is partly immoral and almost
> always inefficient (since it's hard to enforce it on
> all countries in the world, not all of them share your
> view).
> Tamar

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