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In a message dated 12/6/01 1:37:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< So, you know better? Or you just say NO against all reasons? In that case 
I stop the discussion here. Did you expect that some one could be there when 
the first man-like ape was born and are you in that case qualified to see the 
difference? Nothng that you have seen has ever happened - no wars no 
accidents and if you had not seen those aeroplanes crashing into those towers 
that has not happend either? The consequences later does not matter to you? 
Does not make you want to draw you conclusions? The visible consequenses are 
the result of what has happend. The DNA and its construction is the result of 
what has happend. If you denie that I have nothing more to say. >>
<< Did you expect that some one could be there when the first man-like ape 
was born and are you in that case qualified to see the difference? >>
----> Born?  How about Created?  Or better yet -- Hatched?  

And if this was an evolutionary occurance producing something quite unlike 
it's parents, would not the parents, like almost all wild creatures, abandon 
it as not worth their time to try and raise because it was defective? And if 
it was a jump in evolution ... what did it mate with to produce more of it's 
kind? Or .... are you saying that it was like a famous American stallion, 
Justin Morgan, that founded the breed. No matter what kind of mare he was 
bred to, the foals always came out like him ..... But then, THAT would take 
us straight to the theory of a "first" man ... whom the Bible called ADAM 

<< Nothng that you have seen has ever happened - no wars no accidents and if 
you had not seen those aeroplanes crashing into those towers that has not 
happend either? The consequences later does not matter to you? >>
---> Now that is plain silly -- whether I personally saw something or not -- 
there were thousands, millions of others who did see it. 

<< The visible consequenses are the result of what has happend. The DNA and 
its construction is the result of what has happend. If you denie that I have 
nothing more to say. >>
----> You certainly get testy when your beliefs are challenged, don't you...

I have seen science program after science program say "we USED to believe 
this, but NOW we think this ..." 

Does DNA exist? Yes.

Does Science, at present anyway, consider it to be the building block of 
life?  Yes.

But do we, with 100% certainty, KNOW how it all came about?  NO.

And until the day arrives when Science quits changing it's mind about how 
everything happened, it might be wise to keep an open mind to ALL 


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