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> In a message dated 12/15/01 5:31:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << The problem is still that the winner takes it all, and obviously also with 
> a minimum margin. If they can figure out which way it went. In "riksdagen" is 
> at least six partys of a size that can make it possible for them to have 
> representatives there. At the moment (and most of the time) no party has 
> enough votes to alone have a majority. That means that some kind of 
> negotiation have to take place to see if the big party (the winner in most 
> cases) can get help in the voting from some other partys. That's where 
> democracy works as the winner can not expect to get his own way at all times. 
> Some other part of the votes also get their meaning forwarded. >>
> __________________________________________________
> You mean putting together a coalition of political parties to form a 
> government ... 
> I guess it's OK if you're used to doing it that way, but I don't think I'd 
> like voting for "a" and then having him crawl into bed with "b", whom I can't 
> stand, just to be able to form a government and remain in power. 
> LG

The reason for this attitude is that you expect your point of wiew yo get it all, but 
if your party isn't big enough for that it's better to get some that nothing.

In politics it's never black or white in Europe, and I think that's more refecting the 
will of the whole population than a system where winner takes it all and a nearly just 
as big minoroty gets nothing. Even as that system works too.

§( :8-)

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