In a message dated 4/30/02 3:32:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

(L) I don't think it's a resentment so much as it is a fear of what might happen if this court gets out of control.
This is the statement you should have reacted and replied to ...

(C) Besides - the only true american tribes are the native americans whos history goes back the distant and foggy past.
(L) Any person born in this country is a "Native American" ... now if you're referring to the American Aborigines, who appear to be the original humanoid inhabitants of this country ... I still get to throw in my 2-cents worth because my heritage includes the Cherokee nation.

(L) Europeans tend to trust their governments too completely and are too willing to sacrifice individual freedoms for the illusion of safety.
(C) Sacifice the individual freedom of the war criminal? What are you talking about? 
(L) What are you talking about? I was referring to the shootings that just happened in Germany and the fact that violent, gun-related crimes are up about 95% from what they were. People in the European countries sacrificed individual freedoms (ie: the right to keep and bear arms) for the illusion of living in a safer world. But the bad guys don't obey the laws. So you are no safer than I am -- the only difference is I can defend myself -- you can't.

(C) A war criminal is a war criminal no matter what excuse he has for his actions. Weather the raping and murdering of civilians is done in the name of the people, religion, nation or tribe. That goes for members of all tribes in the world (nations, members of religions, footballhooligans or what ever). No one is supposed to go free of punishment for beeing a member of the serbian, swedish, catholic, muslim, american or any other tribal convergation, nation or what ever.
But it's not going to apply to the americans? Not to USA? The home of freedom (but not from war criminals?) justice and greed! Shame on you!!

(L) No shame here, Claes. Tell me ... if our places were reversed. If America was a "Sweden" and Sweden was the country that everyone looked to to maintain world peace, punish the bad guys, free the enslaved, defend the weak, and by doing any of the above you found yourself hated by most of the world ... would you be willing to let your armed forces be tried in courts where everything was stacked against you, to be judged by people who hate you and live for the chance to "get even"? Would you allow your citizens to face the threat of being siezed in the middle of the night and whisked off to a foreign country to face the same courts I just mentioned?

Do you think it's alright for another country to tell you what you can or cannot do, when you can do it and with whom? Don't you think decisions like that are best left to you and your fellow countrymen? Or is Sweden like so many other places ... as long as the trains run on time, who cares about Freedom?

Maybe you should go see "Braveheart" ... It has nothing to do with America, but it might help you to understand how a lot of people feel about Freedom and why they fight so hard to preserve it and share it with others.


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