Claes Persson wrote:
> Hi Al
> It will take some time to digest the theory. I'l come back tomorrow.
> Claes
> §( :8-)

If you actually digest it you will have done more than I have done. I 
merely wanted to show something that was serious and that questions the 
Big Bang.

I have several other websites I could copy to this list, some of them by 
supporters of the Big Bang theory who say that it is only a theory, not 
a proven, irrefutable truth. 

An honest scientist doesn't marry himself to a theory. There have been 
theories before that were in vogue for a while and were replaced. 

I'm not qualified to refute the Big Bang. I'm not trying to do that. It 
could be exactly right for all I know. I can tell you that while it 
seems to be the majority view of cosmologists at the moment there are 
other equally credentialled, serious scientists who find it to have some 
weaknesses and there are other theories.  


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