----- Original Message ----- 
From: Al Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:15 PM
Subject: RE: {W&P} SV: East Timor's "independence": illusion and reality

Al Winslow wrote:
> Okay. Leave the oil and gas in the ground. A lot of good it will do the 
> people of East Timor in the ground.

--So you mean that either the corporations get it all or they will do nothing? Could 
those that own the oil as it is on their ground (even if it's in the sea) have a FAIR 

> Is it some religious belief that causes you to think an oil company 
> should go risk its wealth to explore for oil without trying to make  the 
> maximum profit?

--I'm not religious. I have no God, but those corporations have. More to day than ever 
before. His name is MAMMON.

> Feel free to start an oil drilling operation that doesn't seek profit, 
> if you like. There's no grounds for expecting the shareholders of 
> existing profit-seeking coporations to do the same. We don't all have 
> your religious fervor for charity work.

--Again you talk about all or nothing and the fear that the shareholders will starve 
if the corporations is not handed all for free. How about shareholders that let their 
religious interrest of the God MAMMON deminish a little in favor of humans? Maybe 
those poor souls in Timor some day can have at least a fraction of the wealth that the 
Quatarians possess. Something for all the colonizing and warfare they have had to go 
thru. Would that be too much to ask?

Claes P

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