UTB Host wrote:
> http://usethebomb.com


Hi UTB Host:

The only D-Day that matters to me is the one when I am no longer able to 
sit up and take notice. [permanently resting six feet under the ground]  
The depressing aspect of dying in ones sleep, what a way to go.  
Mushroom Dream on a Clouded Day.

In answer to the question of using Tac-Nukes I'd have to say no.

I was assigned to a Combat Engineering Unit [Army Days-1972-1975] and 
handled those critters (designed to take out an airstrip/airport - for 
example) and at that timeframe of life, my answer would have been a 

Moving forward to...

Minot Air Force Base is home to 2 wings of B-52 bombers.  It also 
controls 150 Minuteman-3 ICBM's (nuclear-tipped) - thus it is a 
dual-purpose mission base.

Beginning in 1979, there were a group of us [50-75 souls] on any given 
day/night "protest", like-minded in our opposition to Nukes "of any" 
sort, be it medical or military use.  And we would go and protest at the 
site of contention with our placards, pickets, vocal cords (chant 
songs), stares, etc.  There were a few who would be "arrested" 
(detained) for a few hours and released, always without charges. The Air 
Force Base officials would always decline to pursue it further and the 
matter would be dropped.  Week after week, month after month, year after 
year, this continued till 1984 before we ran out of steam.

Now, we do this protest every 3-4 years just to let 'em know that we are 
'not to be forgotten' completely.  How's the saying go, 'you can't fight 
city hall.'  The idealism of youthful vigor turns into a type of 
middle-aged pessimism where 'might pushes right' out the back door to 

Can't wait to see what age 50 -- and beyond -- have to offer in the way 
of 'changing the system' (status-quo).

I always thought 'national defense' meant to protect individual 
Statehoods and not fatter budgets to protect 'the national interest' 
overseas.  Trillions of defense $$$ to "protect" European corporations 
that are beating "America" at the Corporate Game of Government 

Now we have Homeland Defense and "waa-laa" -- the phantom "surplus" is 
history.  Budget accounting gimmickry is back in vogue and the Senior 
Citizen is paying through the nose for Prescription Drugs.  The stock 
market is crashing and the corporations are moving offshore and Congress 
is about ready to take a cost-of-living raise.  And the Red Chinese are 
encircling the North American continent.

Now Afghanistan and killing the innocent children, old men, women 
(elders in society) and forever changing and americanizing thru 
(perpetual warfare) and thru the butt of a rifle.  A generation is lost 
and the corporation (corpse) lives again.

The war is about to start, in earnest, India vs. Pakistan, the CIA is 
obviously wanting to put India in its place and this July 3rd -- the 
barbeque coals (nukes) will "poof."  Let the party begin!

Three areas to watch before the Final Solution takes hold.

#1) India-Pakistan.

#2) Korea.

#3) Taiwain Straits.

The Final Solution?  The defeat of the United States of America.  
Sooner, rather than later.

By the way, our ranch has an ICBM (minuteman-3) "housed" within our 
property lines.  For reason too many to enumerate at this time, the wife 
and I aren't feeling any safer -- than when we purchased the land back 
in 1977.

We want the world and we want it now.

Oh well.

ps- pardon the syntax and typos.

AND - pray for the peace of jerusalem



warning: It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

fight the power


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