> In a message dated 6/24/02 8:09:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> > Descriptions of the battle and the Israelis' ability to discern the 
> > nationality of the ship vary quite a bit.
> -----> True ... but I'd be more inclined to believe the survivors of the 
> attack, rather than the attackers. 
> > 
> > 
> > It _could_ have been a deliberate attack by the Israelis with their full 
> > 
> > knowlege of whose ship it was. That could have been because, as I said, 
> > The Liberty _possibly_ was transmitting decoded Israeli messages and the 
> > 
> > Israelis, at some military level, were determined to stop that.
> -----> Possible -- but highly unlikely, given the USA's penchant for 
> keeping 
> secrets. I find more credence in the theory that the Israelis were 
> worried 
> that we (USA) might stick our nose in and try and stop them from 
> starting the 
> war and siezing the Golan Heights. 
> As you stated ... countries don't have friends, just mutual interests. 
> And 
> Israel is no friend of ours. But it's in her interest to placate us, so 
> a 
> deliberate attack followed by a profusion of apologies and reparations 
> would 
> be a very logical move on her part. Its a small price to pay for the 
> land 
> that they took.
> Lawana

I hope we can just agreeably agree to disagree about some of the finer 
points of US-Israeli relations and attitudes toward the "Palestinians."
I'm 100% behind Israel's right to use military brute force to defend 
itself. -- AW 

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