----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: SV: SV: {W&P} Polish right party calls for God in Constitution

> In a message dated 7/26/02 11:35:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> << Well said, Lawana, but if you can get a church to donate money you are 
> really good. I rather expect that the churches prefere to be on the receiving 
> end and expect that the business to donate and get tax deductions, or? That 
> means that you are helping by paying a little more tax to make up for what 
> the business deduct. :( >>
> =====
> True! They may "donate" but they take it out of their taxes...
> And the churches do prefer to be on the receiving end -- but they do a lot of 
> good, too. Social programs, shelters, free food, clothing. I don't know how 
> active churches are in Europe, but they are extremely active here in America, 
> trying to help people any way they can.

We in Europe have our number of helping organizations. Salvation Army for excample, 
but not much more as the social security is well organized. However - there are always 
some that fall in between the chairs and then the Salvation Army comes in handy. But 
this story with donations is very little needed. Most is done directly over the taxes. 
That way the cost for this is spread thin over all.

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