
wormux has now changed its name to warmux (hence the change in names of the mailing lists), and the new numbering scheme is in place.

Therefore, the string freeze for next warmux 10.12 release is in effect. You have 10 days to submit your updates, as I'd like to try to release it before Christmas.

The strings are currently exactly the same as in trunk, but it is better if you get them from the warmux-10.12 branch at

or to get everything:
svn co svn://svn.gna.org/svn/warmux/branches/warmux-10.12
(which will allow you to check whether the changes are fine).

There are also other files worth translating:
1) build/android/res/values/strings.xml
The new file must be added to buid/android/res/values-<2 letter language code>/strings.xml 2) build/win32_setup/English.nsh (I'll have to add them manually as adding them to the Win32 setup is not a straightforward thing)

Packagers are also encouraged to try it out and report any issues.

Anyone having write access to the svn is encouraged to commit any changes, but in particular someone experienced with this step of the release process is available, he's welcome to step up for the task.


Warmux-update mailing list

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