On Sunday, 17 September 2006 at  0:13, Christian Ohm wrote:
> On Tuesday, 12 September 2006 at 18:47, Fearthecute wrote:
> > Yes, we totally leak content and documentation.
> > My whish is, to concentrate all together.
> > I like lav's docs project, but i would like also if he would port
> > it the the 'main' site. Maybe the wiki for example.
> > Bu i don't know if Lav will/would do that :(
> Woe be us! As good as it is, Coyote's docs are mostly about the retail
> version of Warzone; it'd need far more effort to adapt it to the GPL
> version than just to enter all information into the wiki. And in it's
> current state I think there is too much irrelevant information in there.

I just read the IRC logs and felt I had to give a little explanation:

The doc project contains some information which is system specific, most
(if not all) of which is for the Windows retail version of Warzone
(Installation, Warzone Starter etc.) and thus I don't think it suitable
for the wiki. I have no problem with comprehensive documentation about
the GPL Warzone there (that includes generic information), but it takes
a bit more effort than just adding the whole doc project to the wiki
(and I guess I misunderstood Kamaze there, sorry for any
confusion/whatever that may have caused).

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